It will benefit the powerful’: row over Brixham fish market levelling up plan

Critics claim the plans for the Devon harbour town of Brixham, which is expected to land a record-breaking £50m worth of fish this year, will lead to more environmentally damaging fishing practices, increase lorry movements and benefit a few powerful businesses rather than improving the town as a whole. A diverse group of sceptics ranging from conservationists to the local yacht club, town councillors and day boat skippers has expressed concern at the bid by Torbay council for £20m of cash from the levelling up fund. “It will be good for the big boys who already make shitloads of money,” said Tristan Northway, who skippers a 9-metre fishing boat Adela, and sells directly from the deck of his vessel. “But it will do nothing for the rest of us and nothing for the town.” >click to read< 10:22
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