Seafood Day 2023 to celebrate Bay State’s fishing industry

In a building on Beacon Hill where a carved wooden effigy of an Atlantic cod known as the “Sacred Cod” hangs in the House of Representatives’ chamber, an event at the Statehouse on Wednesday, Oct. 25, plans to celebrate the importance of the seafood industry to the Bay State and coastal communities such as Gloucester, America’s oldest seaport. Seafood Day 2023 at the Statehouse is designed to highlight the fact that for generations, the seafood industry has contributed to Massachusetts’ food security while employing tens of thousands of workers and promoting tourism in coastal towns, organizers say. That’s why several organizations are teaming up to celebrate the sea’s bounty and the fishermen who catch it with an event from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Hall of Flags of the Statehouse in Boston. >>click to read<< 10:07
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