First National Fishing Remembrance Day announced
Today on World Fisheries Day, maritime welfare charities have joined forces to support a new annual National Fishing Remembrance Day for those who have lost their lives while fishing at sea. The first National Fishing Remembrance Day will take place on Sunday 12 May 2024. Fishing to catch, and bring to land, our much-needed seafood is still one of the most dangerous jobs in the UK with recent tragedies at sea occurring in north east Scotland in September and off the south coast of England in October 2023. UK Fisheries Minister Mark Spencer said: “Our fishermen not only help to feed the nation, but are at the heart of communities around our coastline. National Fishing Remembrance Day will give loved ones, coastal communities and the wider public a chance to commemorate the lives lost at sea and pay tribute to their valuable service. >>click to read<< 10:03
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