MAIB Releases Report into F/V Angelena Capsize off Exmouth

A The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) investigation report into the sinking of a 14-metre-long trawler eight nautical miles south-east of Exmouth, England turned up major concerns regarding the understanding of stability performance, the dangers of operating a fishing vessel alone and the proper installation of safety equipment. On June 18, 2021, the fishing vessel Angelena (BM271) capsized and sank approximately 8 nautical miles southeast of Exmouth, England. The vessel was operated by its lone skipper who managed to escape and was rescued after spending 40 minutes in the water. The MAIB conducted a thorough investigation into the incident to uncover the underlying causes and provide recommendations to prevent similar occurrences in the future​. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:53

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