Shrimply the best: Discover Alabama’s shrimp industry

As Bubba Blue famously said in “Forrest Gump,” shrimp is the fruit of the sea. Whether you like it barbecued, boiled, broiled, baked or sautéed, this small creature sure makes a big impact in Alabama. The shrimp industry in Alabama consists of both wild-caught and farm-raised species. Alabama waters are home to between 15 and 22 wild shrimp species. However, only three of these are commercially caught: brown, white and pink. On inland farms, Luke Roy, an Alabama Extension aquatic resources Extension professor, said farmers often raise Pacific white shrimp. “Pacific white shrimp are not native to the Gulf of Mexico, and they are the species of choice by most producers,” Roy said. “They are desirable because of their tolerance for low-salinity water. They also have a desirable feed conversion ratio and the ability to be cultured at high densities with low aggression.” Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:22

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