Maine lobster fisherman reveals why the crustaceans she catches taste ‘sweeter, ‘better’

The daughter of a lobster fisherman from Maine describes herself as being “born into it.” Sadie Samuels left the Pine Tree State and headed to college across the country in California, but she kept fishing during the summers to pay for her tuition. After graduation in 2013, she began fishing full-time and has never looked back. Samuels, 32, opened her restaurant, Must Be Nice Lobster – which has the same name as her boat, F/V Must Be Nice – in a permanent indoor location in 2022. “My dad kind of kicked me off his boat because you can only fish 800 traps on a boat,” she said. “So, the more I wanted to fish, the less he could fish if I still fished on his boat.” “[My father] finally was like, ‘All right, obviously you’re interested in this. Go buy a boat,'” she recalled. “So that’s pretty much how that happened.” Photos, Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:17
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