Editorial: Fishermen’s fight fits Warren’s promise – I Don’t Believe That. But she can prove me wrong. PROVE IT , Liz.
Fishermen, however, should take heart in the fact that Warren has been – and is being — advised on fishery issues by state Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante, whose persistence on behalf of the industry led to federal lawmakers’ and the Inspector General’s office involvement in the first place. And they should keep in mind that, as Warren seeks to deliver on her promise of fighting for working families, fighting corporatization, and for crossing political lines to fight injustice, their case against NOAA’s excessive federal regulation and bullying enforcement tactics should be exhibit and priority No. 1. READ MORE http://www.gloucestertimes.com/opinion/x1499661109/Editorial-Fishermens-fight-fits-Warrens-promise
borehead0 minutes ago
Ya see,parasites like EDF's Jane Lubchenco have a never ending supply of host's to latch their blood suckers onto.
Once that lamprey like sucker is attached, it's not gonna let go.
George Bush's and Ted Stevens' policies have been the SOP of NOAA/NMFS. That is where it all began.
The "Luber" loved Bush, the "Blue President".
Catastrophic is the only description of loss to this industry when you remove Barney Frank and Scott Brown from the equation.
The "Agenda" for ocean industrialization is firmly in place. Wind mills sprinkled with fairy dust, and open ocean aquaculture.
Only now is there an economic impact study being conducted AFTER the wave of destruction was unleashed on May 1st, 2010.
It will be interesting to watch and see if these people will turn on each other to bring justice to this industry, or just band together to finish it off.
And I'll be right there to keep sticking it to those that choose to destroy.