Eileen Sobeck named assistant administrator for NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service
Today, Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, acting NOAA administrator, appointed Eileen Sobeck as assistant administrator for
NOAA Fisheries National Marine Fisheries Service. (They just can’t seem to get this right!) Read more@noaa.gov> 13:40
A left wing radical enviro from Stanford? I’m shocked, shocked I tell ya.
Something smells Fishy here. What happened to the Presidential appointment? No Senate reviews? Oh she’s an Assistant. Is Obama working around the Law again? EDF says she’ll be great and she’s a Lawyer. Imagine what she can do, Janie made herself a Judge with no Law background.
With such a crisis in full Blum they’re going to allow an Assistant or Temp run things. This President has better slight of Hand then Penn and Teller.