Fishermen’s Finest delivering petition against halibut bycatch decreases to Washington state governor
The petition includes 23,000 signatures, which the company gathered in 17 days, supporting its aim of convincing the governor to stop the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) from imposing proposed decreases — ranging from 10% to 50% — to the halibut bycatch allotment for Alaska groundfish fleets. “This reallocation will cause a handful of Alaska fishermen to gain an additional $44 million over the next ten years but will cause the loss of $1.2 billion and 4,900 jobs in the Washington state fishing and shipbuilding industry,” the company says in a petition. Read the rest here 16:29
Screw “TRADITIONAL FISHERIES” there are no if ans’ or buts’ about it “INDUSTRIALIZED FISHERIES” are throwing their weight around. We need a return to the “SPIRIT” that once was “THE 1976 MAGNUSON FISHERIES ACT”…