Will California Approve Massive Offshore Wind Farm Project?
The deep waters off the coast of California could become home to the country’s largest offshore wind energy project and a test case for a technology that is still in its infancy. The 765-megawatt project, proposed by Seattle-based Trident Winds, would sit about 25 miles off California’s central coast, near the town of Cambria. If built, it will be larger than the 630-megawatt London Array off the coast of Kent, – the world’s largest working offshore wind farm that began operating in 2013. To win government approval, Trident will have to prepare a lengthy report to investigate the potential environmental impact of its project. California’s coast is a major migration route for several whale species, and the underwater structures of the floating wind turbines could pose an entanglement risk. The Trident project calls for mounting 100 turbines on floating foundations in water that’s roughly half a mile deep. Read the rest here 09:29
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