Fire in the fo’c’sle: Heavy smoke but no injuries on scallop boat in New Bedford

The bunk room of the scallop boat Double Diamond caught fire on Leonard’s Wharf Tuesday afternoon, probably from welding, firefighters said. No one was injured. Smoke was coming from the vessel’s interior when New Bedford firefighters arrived, according to District Chief Steven Beaulieu, the incident commander. “There was heavy smoke pouring out of the back hatch, just below the pilot house,” he told The Standard-Times. “We had heavy smoke pouring from the forward vent on the fo’c’sle. The guys advanced lines. We had talked to the workers. They were working forward doing welding operations, and something must have started.” The fire was reported around 2 p.m. Maurice Lemieux of Dartmouth owns the 84-foot scalloper; click here to read the story 21:52
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