Obituary: Blake C. Painter

Blake C. Painter was born in Astoria, Oregon, on Oct. 20, 1979, to Jeffrey and Marion (Ericksen) Painter. He left us far too soon on May 21, 2018, at the age of 38. A 1998 graduate of Astoria High School, Blake was active in sports both in and out of school. Besides football and baseball, he raced motocross and participated in martial arts.,, Blake was an avid outdoor enthusiast from a very early age, from hunting big game and waterfowl to digging razor clams, snow skiing to water sports, you name it — he did it. And he did it well. He took his love of the outdoors to a professional level when he began commercial fishing with his father aboard the F/V Western Skies while a freshman in high school. >click to read<08:52
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