U.S. Coast Guard: Hoax calls affect us all

“This is the fishing vessel SOL E MAR. This is a MAYDAY, we’re sinking, we need help now!” were the some of the last words of 19-year-old Billy Hokanson, as the fishing boat that he and his father, William was on sank to the bottom of the ocean on March 25, 1990. Coast Guard Stations Menemsha and Brad Point, both off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, received the distress call on marine radio channel 16 – distorted by heavy amounts of static. Both stations attempted to call the boat back, but did not get an answer. About a minute after Hakanson’s transmission, a separate call came through channel 16. “SOS, I’m sinking,” the caller said in playful tone with laughter.,, Five days after the call for help was made, William’s wife reported them overdue. >click to read<11:38
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