NW chefs (that feed wealthy people) join boycott of Canadian seafood in protest of seal hunt – What about hungry people in third world country’s?
KING 5 News – Chef Holly Smith of Café Juanita in Kirkland is one of dozens of local chefs that have joined “Chefs for Seals,” part of the Humane Society of the United States’ Protect Seals Campaign. Thousands of restaurants and grocery stores across the U.S. are boycotting some or all Canadian seafood, promising not to purchase seafood from Canada until the annual seal hunt is stopped. continued
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Bore_Head631 15 hours ago Like
The chefs that feed wealthy people are boycotting Canadian seafood products, Holly? What about the starving people in Africa. Why should they not have access to this sustainable source of protein that requires no fresh water or human interaction to thrive, and continuously expand its population, unchecked? There are over 9 million seals in Labrador and Newfoundland, increasing annually by 18% or better. Truth is, these animals continue to increase in numbers. throwing the eco system out of balance. All I see is references to outrage over vanity, No outrage for the people in Nambia that eat these seals to survive, as the Seals of Nam’s group threatens Adventure Travel and Trade Association (for the upcoming travel summit in Namibia in October); the Namibian embassy in the United States; the Henties Bay municipality; Namibian Ombudsman John Walters; the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources; and numerous other businesses, travel agencies,†to further their shallow campaign. Do you think Nambians are in it for vanity? Of course, only the shallow that get plenty to eat would! “THOUSANDS of emailed petitions calling for a boycott of Namibia’s tourism and export products are being sent to the addresses of stakeholders internationally as part of an “official declaration of war†on Namibia’s annual seal harvest. Seals of Nam, which is a member of the International Anti-Fur Coalition and an umbrella body for other like-minded organisations, states that it has gone “to great lengths to rationalise, plead with and maintain open dialogue with the government of Namibia in a bid to avert the crisisâ€. Let me put this situation into language even a vegan can understand. You live on the edge of the forest. You choose to live close to nature, and that’s a good thing. Nature is beautiful. You must survive, so you plan ahead and plant a garden to survive. You till and sow, planting for your future. Do you allow the deer and groundhogs to come in and eat the chutes as the emerge from the earth? Or, do you erect a fence to keep them from destroying your crop?! Allow he birds to pick the berries from your bushes? or place a net over them. Cull the seals, and feed people