R.I. fishermen critical of wind farm plan

Developers Ørsted U.S. Offshore Wind and Eversource Energy say that they’ve taken into account the concerns of fishermen by configuring the wind farm’s up to 15 turbines from east to west with rows that are 1 nautical mile (about 1.2 miles) apart. The spacing from north to south, however, would be smaller, with either 0.8 or 1 mile between turbines.And that, according to fishing industry leaders and the Rhode Island coastal council, isn’t good enough. ,,,“I do have concerns. Hopefully this won’t turn out to be Vineyard Wind, part two,” said Lanny Dellinger, chairman of the which advises the Rhode Island coastal council. >click to read< 08:30
Economic, values are gone, oil from one of them turbines would be devastating, show me how you propose to keep that from happening, what goes up usely comes crashing down, just saying!!!