On This Day: November 4,1991, Gloucester Times first reported the Andrea Gail missing

The Coast Guard continued searching today for a fishing boat due back in Gloucester last Friday from a trip to the Grand Banks off Newfoundland, Canada. The 70-foot Andrea Gail was supposed to have returned to port by Saturday with its crew of six fishermen, according to Chief Petty Officer Alan Burd. Rest in Peace, Gentlemen, and you are not forgotten, >click to read, with additional links< 06:45
I certainly remember this day about the Andrea Gail, and to this day it still scares me , when you have a husband and our son who our son fishes in the same area, Yes he has a college degree though his father taught him at a very early age about fishing and they where all very large vessels and the salt is in our son’s blood. God Bless all who chooses this profession and you all don’t get the recognition that all of u deserve .Thank all of you bringing the best wild seafood to our tables. Again GodBless.