He sketched designs by hand and taught himself to use Adobe. Now this scalloper has a line of clothing that showcases New Bedford.

Ryan Tavares, a commercial scalloper for 13 years, understands the physical and mental demands of being on the water for a couple weeks at a time, squeezing in meals and sleep between 12-hour shifts. It means spending time away from family with no cell phone service, and potentially dangerous situations. But Tavares said it’s a calling, a lifestyle, and there’s pride in that. In 2012, the now 31-year-old of Fairhaven made his first T-shirt for what developed into Slave of the Sea, a brand that resonates with other fishermen. “I just wish we had more stuff to like express how proud we are to be fishermen,” Tavares recalled thinking at the time. >click to read< 07:32
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