Canada imposing mandatory gear marking for lobster, and crab fisheries in 2020

Specially coloured rope will become mandatory with the start of the season in every lobster and crab fishery in Eastern Canada. The rope must identify the region, species being fished and individual fishing area. The requirement is also intended to maintain access to the United States seafood market by demonstrating Canada has rules comparable to those in place for American fishermen. >click to read< 07:20
Not one mention of Cruise ship strikes.
Meanwhile, In 2019, the Zaandam, the only ship traversing through an area that evidence shows up to 7 of the 9 whales were probably killed by ship strikes is not even mentioned. In 2017, it was the Veendam and the Maasdam that were the only ships traversing through the feeding grounds. 10 of the 12 deaths appeared to be ship strikes that year. If you go back to 2015 when the Right Whales first started showing up, 3 whales died under the track of the Holland American, Carnival Corporation owned ships that Home port in Boston. That is 20 whales that a simple lane change and an environmentally irresponsible company forced to comply, would save the
Right Whale from extinction. We actually would see increasing numbers despite crab and other causes. Instead, We drag the lobster and crab fisheries around as we watch a species go extinct for piddly souvenir sales.