Editorial: Cost of at-sea monitors is unfair, cost prohibitive.

Imagine trying to run a Main Street business, a restaurant or gift shop, maybe during the pandemic. A cratered economy and the threat of disease make each day a challenge and the future uncertain. Now imagine the government dropping another $700 in fees on you every time you open your doors. There’s no way your mom-and-pop operation could survive. The New England Fishery Management Council, which essentially sets the rules for commercial fishing in the region, will meet next week to decide how often monitors will be required on fishing vessels. Early indications are that councilors will require a monitor on every trip, with the average cost of $700 to be borne by fishermen. >click to read< 08:42
After being involved in this industry for 50 years from lumper to deckhand to 35 years as a boat owner, this is the primary reason I no longer have anything to do with what once was the job I loved. It’s both infuriating and pathetic to see what has become of this industry.
It does prove one thing though. Something we’ve always known.
The government could F up a free lunch.