Fisheries Minister Jordan: A new path for First Nations to fish in pursuit of a moderate livelihood

We have never stopped working with First Nations to reach agreements and implement their right to a moderate livelihood. That is why effective this season, we will introduce a new path for First Nations to fish in pursuit of a moderate livelihood, one that addresses much of the feedback we’ve heard over the past year. This plan will support individuals, their families, and their communities. It’s a path that is flexible, adaptable, and based on three key principles: implementation of First Nations Treaty rights, conservation and sustainability of fish stocks, and transparent and stable management of the fishery. >click to read< 21:53
While you are at it, would you also do your conservation part in the protection of right whales through implementation of weak gear link requirements on crab pots as well as monitoring AIS ship traffic speed reductions and no go zones during right whale migration seasons as a neighboring nation? This burden falls disproportionately on Maine and New England fisherman since Canadian gear entanglements and more frequently ship strikes by vessels bound for transiting from Canadian ports are identified as critical components to right whale motality.