Category Archives: North Pacific

Navigating Alaska’s stormy seas

Norwegian fishermen settled in Petersburg in the 1800s, drawn to its ideal location for pursuing salmon, crab and halibut. Today, hundreds of vessels dock there, selling their catch to the town’s two major processors. These processors head and gut the fish before canning or freezing them for the journey to dinner tables across the world. One of these plants, built over a century ago, is the town’s largest private employer. Few know the industry better than Glorianne Wollen, a fisherman’s daughter who operates a large crab boat and serves as harbourmaster. From her small office, she has witnessed significant change over the years. “In the good old days, the town was alive with discussion,” Wollen recalls. “Everybody had a stake, everybody knew what was going on, and things happened in real-time.” That energy faded as boats grew larger and more efficient, requiring fewer crew members and leading to a more detached industry. Last year, however, the industry faced a crisis that even seasoned veterans struggled to recall. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 16;20

Pollock fishery shut down early after unprecedented salmon bycatch in Gulf of Alaska

The National Marine Fisheries Service [NMFS] announced Wednesday, Sept. 25 that it was shutting down the rest of the Central Gulf of Alaska pollock season. That’s after reports that the trawler fleet incidentally caught “unprecedented amounts of Chinook salmon” this week, which comes as the issue of salmon bycatch faces mounting scrutiny. Jonathan Kurland, the Fisheries Services acting regional administrator for the Alaska region. said the closure was necessary to “prevent exceeding the 2024 Chinook salmon prohibited species catch limit.” The Kodiak-based trade group Alaska Groundfish Data Bank said in a press release on Sept. 24 that two fishing vessels trawling for pollock on Sept. 22 came upon a hotspot of Chinook salmon, which the organization described as an “extremely unprecedented amount.” The vessels were in an area adjacent to Kodiak Island. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 15:01

Tribal groups, seeking restrictions on Alaska’s Bering Sea trawlers, get day in court

U.S. District Court Judge Sharon Gleason heard oral arguments Thursday in a lawsuit filed by two of Alaska’s largest tribal groups against federal managers of the state’s groundfish trawl fisheries. The Association of Village Council Presidents and the Tanana Chiefs Conference claim the federal government has failed to adjust trawling rules in the Bering Sea and off the Aleutian Islands to compensate for the ongoing salmon crisis on Alaska’s Interior rivers. Victory by the plaintiffs could lead to new restrictions on the world’s largest trawl fishery. If plaintiffs lose, the status quo is likely to continue. On Thursday, Gleason asked plaintiffs whether they’re seeking a halt to trawl fishing in the Bering Sea. No, the plaintiffs said.  more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:27

Maine’s massive “floating wind” folly — my report

Below is my Executive Summary, followed by the latest bad news on this ongoing silly saga. This report examines several fundamental aspects of the State of Maine’s offshore wind development plan. It is divided into two parts. Part 1 examines certain economic issues, such as feasibility, cost, and progress to date. Part 2 explores the proposed development as it relates to the entire Gulf of Maine, namely because the project has not advanced to the point where the State of Maine’s responsibilities have been defined. The offshore wind plan calls for development of 3,000 MW of generating capacity, an amount that is roughly double Maine’s average electricity usage. The viability of Maine’s offshore wind plan depends entirely on the massive transformation of the state’s grid from fossil fuel use to electrification. It is clear that the citizens of Maine have not been informed of this vast transformation requirement. They have certainly not approved it. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:34

US fishery management council’s structure is unconstitutional, court rules

A divided federal appeals court on Wednesday stripped a regional fishery management council of its ability to block the U.S. Secretary of Commerce from taking actions to manage fisheries that the panel does not support, after finding the council’s members were unconstitutionally appointed. The Philadelphia-based 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on 2-1 vote sided with two commercial fishermen who had sued after Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council amended a fishery-management plan to lower how much scup, summer flounder and black sea bass could be caught in their region. The fishermen, Raymond Lofstad and Gus Lovgren, challenged the constitutionality of the structure of the body, one of eight regional councils nationally tasked with developing fishery management plans, in their lawsuit. They are being represented by the libertarian Pacific Legal Foundation in their lawsuit. >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:05

Cook Inlet fisheries to get $9.4M in disaster relief for 2018, 2020

Two Cook Inlet salmon fisheries will receive more than $9.4 million in federal disaster relief that was held up, in part, by technical difficulties. They’re among ten Alaska fisheries getting money, the state’s Congressional delegation announced Friday. In all, ten fisheries across the state will receive $277 million for disasters dating back to 2018. They include 2020’s Upper Cook Inlet salmon fishery and 2018’s Upper Cook Inlet east side setnet fishery. Other fisheries that will receive money through the distribution include Bering Sea crab, Kuskokwim River and Norton Sound salmon and Gulf of Alaska pacific cod. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 13:39


Darren Byler of Kodiak Alaska has been fighting the local Coast Guard Station for almost a decade now for what Byler calls a “Politically Motivated Fraud Filled Phony Poopy Conviction that the United States Government has now spent approximately 1.3 million Dollars to date investigating, prosecuting and defending against Byler’s civil claims. Byler filed a 10 million dollar civil lawsuit against the United States Coast Guard approximately two years ago and is still fighting the government for the opportunity to have a civil trial. The Wild Alaskan Story has now caught the attention of internationally acclaimed Producer and Cinematographer Doug Stanley founding Producer and Director of Photography of Discovery Channel’s hit series “Deadliest Catch”. Video, photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:21

Original Peter Pan Seafood investor wins auction for troubled company’s assets

One of the original investors in a troubled Alaska seafood company has narrowly outbid competitor Silver Bay Seafoods in an auction for the firm’s assets — including a major processing plant in the Alaska Peninsula village of King Cove. Rodger May, an entrepreneur and fish trader, bid $37.3 million for the assets of Peter Pan Seafood, including two other processing plants — one in the Bristol Bay hub town of Dillingham and another in a remote part of the Alaska Peninsula called Port Moller. May’s bid was $257,000 higher than the bid offered by Silver Bay Seafoods, a major Alaska seafood company that’s expanded rapidly in recent years. The sale of Peter Pan, which operates primarily in Alaska with a business headquarters in Washington, isn’t final. A confirmation hearing in Peter Pan’s receivership case — a bankruptcy-like proceeding overseen by a Seattle court — is scheduled for Oct. 3. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:36

The Deadliest Catch star Jack Bunnel’s ‘wake up moment’ that finally got him ‘clean’

During the November 1, 2023, episode of Season 19 Captain Jack Bunnell of the Barbara J shared with viewers a heartfelt story about his childhood. This highlighted the profound influence his father had on his life, along with the pivotal moment he decided to “get cleaned up” and become a fisherman. Jack’s high expectations of himself come from a lifelong ambition of wanting to be a captain, a dream he has held since he was a “little boy.” His crew aren’t the only ones Jack feels the need to prove himself to, as we see in this episode, the captain is receiving a special visitor: his father. Bunnell was born in Homer, Alaska, where he grew up with his father, who was a commercial fisherman and crabbed in the Bering Sea. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:22

Tom Anglin of Guemes Island, WA, has passed away

“Tell me a sea story” Tom Anglin would say. He passed peacefully at home on Guemes Island, WA on a beautiful afternoon, September 12, 2024. To say that Tom was a larger than life character is an understatement. He was born in Seattle, WA on July 3, 1943 to (Thomas) Dale and Ila Jean Anglin. Tom grew up in the small town of Coolin on Priest Lake, Idaho, where his love for fishing began. He graduated from Priest River High School in 1962, before joining the US Navy. Tom’s sea story began boarding the USS Burton Island Icebreaker in Seattle bound for Antarctica for Operation Deepfreeze to resupply McMurdo Station and then the Arctic becoming a shellback on the journey. Tom took his electronics training from the Navy to the North Slope of Alaska, forging life-long friendships as an electrician before buying his first boat, the Bubble Cuffer II. Each vessel was a new chapter in the greatest commercial fishing adventure: the little Katrina, Katrina, Baltic Sea and finally the Kona-Kai. Spanning ports from Sausalito to SE AK and Hawaii to SW Alaska, trolling for king salmon to pot fishing king crab in the Bering Sea. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 19:42

OPINION: Reel them in – Regional fisheries councils violate constitution and hurt accountability


That is the position in which many fishermen find themselves. They share a desire for sustainable fisheries and support some of the federal efforts at regulation. But they oppose certain federal water catch limits and allocations between commercial and recreation sectors that are set by regional fishery management councils made up of members who aren’t accountable through elections or to elected officials. Pacific Legal Foundation is representing these individuals and small businesses in courts around the country, making what we think is a simple argument based on the text and purpose of the Constitution. Specifically, that it requires that executive branch officials with significant authority be appointed by the president or a member of his cabinet. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:40

Flawed fisheries science ’cause for concern’

An article just published in the respected science journal Marine Policy highlights the need for objective and reliable fisheries science to ensure conservation and sustainable development. It says the publication of flawed papers, some in high-profile journals, is cause for concern, and that misleading science can misinform policy and the public. The authors, who include well-known US fisheries scientist Professor Ray Hilborn, call for the rigour of peer reviews and editorial management to be strengthened, and say journal publishers must ensure the reliability of papers they publish. “The prevalence of papers conveying unjustified messages and with the potential to influence public perceptions and policies is concerning,” they say, providing examples where flawed methodology led to the exaggeration of negative impacts on ecosystems by the fishing industry – which was often then sensationalised by campaigners. In all of the examples quoted, a rebuttal was subsequently published. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:46

Celebrate wild sockeye salmon — the harvest that powers Bristol Bay’s economy and feeds the world

It’s the time of year again when children have returned to school and seemingly endless daylight gives way to shorter days and cooler nights. In the Bristol Bay region of Alaska, it is viewed less as the end of another summer, and more as the end of another salmon season. Many weeks of hard work harvesting and preserving tens of millions of salmon to feed our families, communities and the rest of the world has come to an end. I can’t think of a better time to pause and celebrate Bristol Bay’s wild salmon. We celebrate the incredible journey every single salmon makes; traveling thousands of miles in its life to return to its birthplace and complete the cycle of life. Over the week of Sept. 9, a diverse coalition of commercial fishermen, business leaders, lodge owners, Alaska Native people and others, all from the Bristol Bay region, is bringing this celebration to the nation’s capital. more, >>CLICK TO READ<<10:15

Community steps up after family loses father in Alaska fishing accident

Cheyenne Hoy keeps her husband’s shoes and hat in their bedroom. The camouflage-patterned Crocs and ball cap have become some of the most important and precious items for her. They were what Clayton Hoy, 36, was wearing when he fell overboard from his salmon fishing vessel early on the morning of July 25 near Egegik, Alaska, on the east side of Bristol Bay. He wasn’t wearing a life jacket at the time and his crew heard the splash when their captain hit water. The crew of the F/V Warmaster radioed for help at 2:45 a.m. and the United States Coast Guard, Alaska Wildlife Trooper and Good Samaritan boats searched the water for a day and a half before the search was suspended, according to KDLG, the public radio station in Bristol Bay. “We were all very hopeful, but it didn’t turn out that way,” Cheyenne said. Clayton’s shoes were found a few days later in a mudbank by local volunteers who were searching by boat and by foot for the fisherman. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:46

Wondering where the fish have gone

Howard Kantner watches for hits on the net.

KOTZEBUE — It’s raining again, the wind rising and waves sloshing over the grass. I’m yanking at corkline, struggling to stack my salmon nets into old army totes, to protect them from mice and weather for another winter. Commercial fishing in Kotzebue Sound is closed, over before it really started. A complete bust, exponentially worse than any in the past 51 years I’ve participated in this fishery. Catches were dismal in July and many of us assumed — or tried to believe — that the run was late. Rumors swirled around town: about beluga whales, killer whales, warm water, cold water, and villagers up the Noatak and Kobuk rivers catching runs we’d allegedly missed. I didn’t believe it and kept hoping the dearth of fish was tied to changes some of us have noticed over the decades: how the peak of the run has been arriving later and later in August. Our last best season, two years ago, was slow in July, and in August more salmon flooded in than we’d seen before. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 17:05

An Unlikely Sea Animal Saved F/V Time Bandit’s ‘Deadliest Catch’ Season

Aboard F/V Time Bandit, Captain Johnathan Hillstrand was struggling. For each Captain, a profitable trip out in the Bering Sea is determined by the catch they bring in. For one journey, it seemed the Time Bandit would return to the dock virtually empty-handed. Captain Jonathan Hillstrand was a bit dejected as this recent trip was seemingly like a bust. Having been out at sea for years, working as a crabber, he had been no stranger to dismal catches. But despite any hope and positivity, unless a miracle was about to happen, it would be just another failure on the list. With only hours to go before reaching the harbor, 250 miles away, Captain Johnathan encountered a miracle. In a scene almost straight out of a movie, he saw some dolphins swimming around the ship. The crew knew that wherever they were heading, there were bound to be some crabs lurking. Because the dolphins would be attracted to the bait like the crabs, it might be a prosperous moment after all. Photos, Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:39

PWS, Cook Inlet sockeye catch exceeded harvest projections

As the sockeye salmon harvest season comes to a close, only Bristol Bay, Prince William Sound and Cook Inlet surpassed their pre-season predictions, with harvests of 31.1 million, 3.1 million and 2 million reds respectively.  Cook Inlet and Prince William Sound were also the only two regions to show year-over-year growth and exceeding harvest projections, says Simon Marks, a research analyst for McKinley Research Group in Juneau, who writes the weekly in-season commercial wild Alaska salmon report on behalf of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute. While Bristol Bay has already surpassed the pre-season sockeye prediction by 19%, year-to-date harvest remains 23% behind 2023, Marks said on Aug. 27. Initial predictions for the 2025 season indicate an expected harvest of 32.4 million fish, a 2.8% gain if realized. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 16:26

Everson man falls overboard commercial boat, dies

In the early hours of Saturday, Aug. 24, Cheyenne Hoy gave birth to her baby girl, Fiona Rose. Tragically, her husband Clayton was not able to be with his family. Hoy, a commercial fisherman, went missing on July 25 after he fell overboard his boat near Egegik, Alaska. On Aug. 12, he was confirmed dead. Cheyenne Hoy said Clayton “was our everything and sole provider for our family.” “He truly loved fishing and learned everything from his father,” Cheyenne said. Through his father, Guy Hoy, Clayton became a commercial salmon fisherman. Since age 15, he crewed with his father, then became his own captain. Cheyenne explained that 2024 was Clayton’s third year with his own boat and he “was already one of the top boats in the bay.” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:12

Commercial fisherman Clayton Hoy, who went missing July 25 after a fall overboard near Egegik, was confirmed dead on August 12.  Clayton Hoy, a 36-year-old from Washington, fell overboard from a commercial fishing boat, the F/V Warmaster.  more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 18:14

Overall impact of disastrous pink salmon fishery still being calculated 

Fallout from what’s being described by commercial fishermen as a pink salmon disaster in Prince William Sound is still being calculated, but troubling times began earlier this year when high insurance costs kept some from ever going out in their boats. Low runs of humpies, mounting fuel costs and some processors opening up late all appear to be spelling big economic challenges for the Prince William Sound economy. “It’s going to be a big hit for the town,” said Cordova City Council Member Kristen Carpenter, who is anticipating a significant loss of raw fish tax dollars to the city this year. “It was an absolute disaster,” said veteran salmon harvester John Renner, chair of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Copper River/Prince William Sound Advisory Committee. One young man lost his boat, said Renner. “Anyone who has payments to make is in trouble unless they have dual permits and are making money off of gillnetting or longlining,” he said.  “Fuel is $5 a gallon and insurance costs are up 25%.”  more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 13:55

The Snow Crab Collapse: A Tale of Unproven Assumptions and Overlooked Explanations

The sudden decline in the snow crab population in the Bering Sea has triggered considerable concern among scientists, fisheries, and environmentalists alike. The collapse is alarming not only because of its immediate economic impact but also due to the broader implications for marine ecosystems. However, a critical examination of the prevailing explanations for this phenomenon reveals a troubling reliance on speculation rather than solid evidence. The central thesis of the NOAA Fisheries report—that warmer water temperatures increased snow crab metabolism, leading to their downfall—requires a more skeptical analysis. In this post, we’ll explore the weaknesses of this hypothesis, examine other plausible causes, and argue for a more comprehensive approach to understanding this ecological mystery. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:27

Viking Traps score on board F/V Northwestern

The Viking Traps made by Norwegian company Proffteiner have been a success with Deadliest Catch skipper Sig Hansen, who has been trying them out on board Bering Sea crabber F/V Northwestern. The episode is aired on the Discovery Channel this month. The standard crab traps are roughly two metres square and a metre high, and weight around 300kg. These are lifted on board singly, and there’s no handling these traps by hand. But before starting fishing, it’s Sig Hansen’s first job to find where the crabs are, and that’s where the Viking Traps have scored. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:30

Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers Welcome Representation on NPFMC

In a significant development for the Alaska Bering Sea crab industry, the U.S. Secretary of Commerce has announced the appointment of Jamie Goen, a dedicated advocate from the Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers (ABSC) to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC). Goen will fill the vacant Washington state seat for the remainder of the term, following the unexpected passing of former member Kenny Down. This appointment marks a two-year term where Goen is expected to continue the work of ensuring fair and sustainable fisheries management. Goen’s appointment has been met with enthusiasm from the crab fishing community, which has long valued her commitment to the industry. more, >>CLICK TO READ<<10:30

Sitka mariner dies in engine room accident

A Sitka fisherman died on Monday (8-19-24), after an accident in the engine room of his boat. Alaska State Troopers report that 75-year-old Barry McKee was fishing aboard his troller Lisa Jean in the vicinity of Salisbury Sound, about 20 miles northwest of Sitka, when he became entangled in mechanical gear below decks and was killed. McKee’s crewman was uninjured in the incident. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:45

Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 68′ Gamage Steel Dragger, 3412 Cat, Permits available

To review specifications, information, and 21 photos’, >click here< To see all the boats in this series, >click here< 06:23

Ketchikan man charged with illegal fishing and theft of crab pots

A Ketchikan man is being charged with a series of misdemeanor and felony charges related to illegal fishing and theft of Dungeness crab pots. 47-year-old David Vest was arrested on Friday and his fishing boat, the F/V Silver Surfer, was seized by Alaska Wildlife Troopers. Troopers said they received numerous complaints from another commercial crabber that he suspected Vest and his crew were stealing his Dungeness crab pots and his catch. So a trooper camped out near Etolin Island, between Wrangell and Ketchikan, and waited for the Silver Surfer to show up. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 20:37

Commercial Fisherman Kevin Doyle of San Diego and Dutch Harbor, has passed away

Kevin started working in Alaska’s commercial fishing industry when he was 18 years old. He started as an entry level fish processor, gaining years of experience; and climbing the industry ladder all the way to Captain of his own fishing boat for Global Seas Company. He was an innovator who embraced and implemented the technologies that would lead to advanced safety, efficiency, and sustainability in the industry. He could not have been more proud of his career and boat, the “F/V Bering Defender,” but even more so, of his hard working and loyal crew. Kevin’s love and devotion for wife Dee and daughter Victoria was uncompromising and fueled the peace, happiness, and adventure that he and his family shared. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:50

US appeals court allows Alaska fishery to remain open

A federal appeals court on Friday reversed a judge’s decision that would have effectively shuttered an Alaska salmon fishery, a result environmentalists sought in order to protect endangered whales and threatened wild Chinook salmon populations. A three-judge panel of the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals held that a judge in Seattle last year abused his discretion by vacating a key authorization issued by the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Services for the fishery’s summer and winter Chinook salmon harvests. U.S. District Judge Richard Jones at the urging of the Wild Fish Conservancy had in May 2023 vacated part of a so-called incidental take statement the fisheries service issued in 2019 that authorized the commercial Chinook salmon troll fishery in southeast Alaska. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 10:39

Alaska Trollers Association takes a swing at Fish and Game and Alaska sport fishery over shortened season

Commercial trolling for Southeast king salmon closed for the season in July and will not reopen this month. That marks the second summer in a row their season has ended before they could catch all of their yearly king allocation under an international agreement. Now, the trade group representing them — the Alaska Trollers Association — is outraged. Southeast trollers have around 15,000 kings left in their annual allocation. That’s the number of kings trollers get to catch under an agreement between the United States and Canada known as the Pacific Salmon Treaty. The trollers caught most of their allocation — 83%, or 82,000 fish — during the first and longest opener in July. Typically, the rest of the allocation would be caught in a mid-August opening. But that second opening won’t be happening. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 16:02

Descendant of salvaged Maine boat’s namesake wants to save it

After seven months of being submerged off the coast of Harpswell, the historic fishing boat Jacob Pike has finally been raised by the U.S. Coast Guard. But a descendant of Jacob Pike himself is fighting to save it from being destroyed. Sumner Rugh, a student at the Merchant Marine Academy in New York, is the great-great-grandson of Jacob Pike, the namesake of the refrigerated sardine carrier. His nonprofit, the Jacob Pike Organization, wants to refurbish the vessel and use it for education. But acquiring the boat has proven tricky, Rugh said. The Coast Guard towed the boat to Portland on Wednesday to be destroyed. Rugh asked the Coast Guard to donate the vessel to his nonprofit, but because the Coast Guard doesn’t own the boat, it can’t donate it. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:36

‘Huge disaster’: Historically weak pink salmon runs strain Alaska’s seine fishermen

Expectations were low this year for the pink salmon runs that power Prince William Sound’s commercial fishing industry. But no one expected them to be as bad as they’ve been. With just a few weeks left in the season, the sound’s seine fleet has harvested just one-fourth the number of pinks that it would have caught by now in a typical year. The small runs have forced managers to close fishing for longer periods than usual. And even during openers, fishermen are reporting abysmal harvests. Some have quit early. Others are thinking about new jobs.” It is incredibly slow,” said Megan Corazza, a Homer-based seine fisherman who has fished in the sound for more than two decades. “It is the worst year I have ever seen with my own operation.” It’s a big blow to an industry already reeling from a global market crisis that sent dock prices plummeting last year. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:31