Monthly Archives: May 2013
Maine brothers charged with poaching NH eels – caught netting baby eels in the Hampton Falls River and ran from police.
CONCORD, N.H. — New Hampshire Fish and Game officers have two brothers from Maine in custody and two buckets of baby eels as evidence of what they say is part of an international eel-poaching operation believed to be driven by a worldwide shortage of eels. continued
Pensacola is getting nearly 20 million dollars to build a new fish hatchery and research facility.
The “Florida Gulf Coast Marine Fisheries Hatchery and Enhancement Center” will be built on Bruce Beach, west of Maritime Park. Money for the project is coming from an oil spill (BP? ) recovery fund. Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward has been lobbying the state for the cash since 2011.. continued
Virginia Crabbers feel the pinch of slim pickings
Newport News, Va., Daily Press – Michael Diggs of Poquoson has been a waterman for more than 40 years, and says the blue crab harvest as the 2013 season kicks in is slim pickings. “Oh, Lord, things are tight,” Diggs, 62, said Monday. “One good week — since then, it’s been downhill.” During the first week of the crab season in mid-March, he said he was catching 25 to 30 bushels a day around Buckroe and Grandview. His haul dropped rapidly to seven or eight bushels. continued
Fish on Fridays: A ‘Day of Reckoning’ for the New England Groundfishery by Michael Conathan and a real ass kicking rebuttal
Center for American Progress – On May 1, 2013, New England’s groundfishermen began operating under a harsh new set of catch limits that will curtail fishing effort and inflict massive economic pain on an industry that’s already struggling to remain afloat. As fishermen come to grips with their new regulations, and regulators fret about the impact that their unpopular decisions will have on one of America’s most historic industries, we should take a moment to consider the fate of a similar fishery just a few hundred miles northwest. continued Link to a real slam against this foolishness by our own Dick Grachek here
Pictures of lobster boats that are supposed to represent the ground fish fleet! lol
A group of Hawaii fishermen want humpback whales off endangered list
Hawaii Fishermen’s Alliance for Conservation and Tradition Inc., a coalition of fishing clubs and groups from across the islands, filed a petition to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration last month. There are more than 21,000 humpback whales in the North Pacific today, compared with about 1,400 in the mid-1960s. continued
Our view: NOAA shows it’s answerable to no one – It’s up to Congress not to let them get away with it. – The Salem News
But in the end, it was state Sen. Bruce Tarr who made perhaps the most telling statement, saying, “It’s time to prove the power of democracy is stronger than the power of bureaucracy.”
Why is that basic statement so telling? Because Bullard and Commerce officials proved Tuesday that Tarr was dead-wrong. That’s right, folks. All the actions, all of the pleas from officials ranging from Gov. Deval Patrick and Coakley to Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Congressman John Tierney, have achieved nothing. HEAR HEAR! NOTHING. continued
Sorry, Sen. Tarr, it’s now clear that there is no “democracy” or accountability when it comes to NOAA and America’s fisheries.
Give ’em the chair! Lobster stunner pitched for more humane killing
“I can’t really comment whether we’re doing it because we think the lobster feel or don’t feel pain,” said Spinney. “It’s really a market decision.” And the market in Germany has spoken. The Albert Schweitzer Foundation says the latest research proves shellfish feel pain, and the animal rights group has convinced several supermarkets in Germany to stop selling lobster because the animals are cook alive. continued
Fish board seat back up for grabs – Appointment is expected to go to a Bristol Bay resident
Cordova Times – Seven people have applied to date for a seat on the Alaska Board of Fisheries to which Gov. Sean Parnell must make an appointment by July 1, a spokesman in the governor’s office said April 29. Parnell had reappointed veteran commercial fisherman Vince Webster of King Salmon to a third term, but legislators in early April failed to approve the reappointment, after the Kenai River Sportfishing Association urged legislators to turn down Webster. The vote was 30-29. continued
DNR Releases 2013 Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Numbers
ANNAPOLIS — The Maryland Department of Natural Resources recently released the 2013 Blue Crab Winter Dredge Survey numbers, showing mixed results. continued
The Warped Musing’s of a Climate Change Opportunist / Ocean Industrialization Habitat Destruction Hypocrite
The hypocrisy! – capecodtoday – Conservation Law Foundation Op Ed is a strong rebuttal to NOAA’s new limits The catch limits on the most endangered stocks will still allow excessive mortality levels, putting the future of the fishery at risk. continued
Fishing Industry Concerned About Ocean Zoning Plan
Maryland Coastal Dispatch – “This plan embodies the type of efficient, collaborative government that taxpayers, communities and businesses expect from their federal government,” said Nancy Sutley, Co-Chair of the National Ocean Council this week. “With increasing demands on our oceans, we must improve how we work together, share information and plan smartly to grow our economy, keep our ocean healthy and enjoy the highest benefits from our ocean resources now and in the future. continued
If you really want to keep our oceans healthy , Nancy, keep that junk away from it!
Scientists divided over threat to Pacific Northwest salmon – infectious salmon anemia, or ISA. – There is no doubt that the disease can wreak havoc. First described in Norway in the mid-1980s, it has flared on fish farms from Maine and the eastern coast of Canada to Scotland and Chile, which reported a new outbreak last month. The virus is also capable of mutating rapidly, which scientists on all sides of the issue say increases the need to keep an eye on it. Its victims can be seen gasping at the surface, lethargic and often swollen with fluids; mortality can reach 90 percent. continued
Billionaire Penny Pritzker, daughter of the co-founder of the Hyatt hotel chain and a real estate investor, pick for Commerce Secretary. – President Obama named two long-term aides to his Cabinet on Thursday, rounding out the list of senior advisers who will help him lead during his second term. Now, only three of the 28 top Cabinet-level, White House adviser and senior agency leader jobs are held by people rumored to be leaving or for whom nominations have not yet been made. continued
SAR changes get mixed reviews in N.L. – Fisherman says changes are a start, politicians say it’s not enough
Changes to Canada’s search and rescue system have been met with mixed reaction by people who work on the ocean and politicians in Newfoundland and Labrador. “It’s a sad day, but then, it’s a happy day,” said Ken Ryan, a fisherman in St. John’s. continued
Watch out, NOAA: SMAST is innovating again – GO SMAST, GO!!!
Dr. Kevin Stokesbury posed a challenge: How do you count fish in the ocean without killing them, in particular yellowtail flounder? It’s an important question because fishermen simply do not trust NOAA’s survey methods. Many believe fish are severely undercounted because the NOAA researchers on the ship Bigelow don’t seem to know what they are doing when they go fishing. It’s killing the industry. excitedly continued.
Disgraced Murkowski Senate Aide and convicted Poacher Arne Fuglvog, Moves from Federal Prison to Federal Fisheries Lobbyist. What a Country, huh?
Alaska Dispatch – Arne Fuglvog, a former fisheries advisor to Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski and commercial fisherman, who stepped down when he was charged with overfishing in Alaska waters in 2011, has reportedly found a new vocation — lobbyist for commercial fishing companies. continued
NOAA report ignores ‘disaster’
Without acknowledging the socio-economic disaster that has befallen the Northeast groundfishery, endangering the scale of the nation’s oldest fishery and the viability of small ports like Gloucester, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Thursday released its annual status of the stocks 2012 — proclaiming “significant continued progress to “end overfishing and rebuild fish stocks.” continued
Tanner Crab Stock Healthy
Alaska Public Media – The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration downgraded the southern tanner crab – or bairdi – in its annual report to Congress. In 2011, the crab was listed as over fished. Now, the federal government reports the stock as safe. continued
Louisiana Spring Shrimp Season Set To Open – The dates for the 2013 Louisiana spring shrimp season were announced at today’s meeting of the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission. The spring shrimp season was set based on information provided by Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries biologists and on public comments. The opening dates for the 2013 Louisiana shrimp season are as follows: continued
Tests ongoing for fishing vessel American Dynasty in Esquimalt Harbour crash
Investigators were on board the American Dynasty at the Esquimalt Graving Dock on Wednesday to carry out tests on the generator, which failed just prior to the collision, said Raymond Mathew, manager of marine investigations for the safety board. continued
Maine joins Alaska in quest for Arctic influence
The move to start calling in the ice-free port of Portland twice a month builds upon Eimskip’s recent opening of services to northern Norway. The company’s Green Line will now connect Portland with Sortland, Norway, not too far from Tromso.The United States’ most northeastern state will benefit in that its forestry and fishing products, among other goods, will have new export markets, particularly in Europe. Iceland will benefit, too, as its resources, such as aluminum exports, will have easier access to North American markets continued
Exposure to BP oil-contaminated sediment causes defects in killifish, study says
Exposure of embryos of a tiny Gulf of Mexico fish to sediment from Louisiana wetlands contaminated with oil from the BP Deepwater Horizon spill causes defects to the growing fish’s heart and cardiovascular system, delays hatching, and reduces overall hatching success, according to a new study co-authored by two Louisiana State University scientists. continued
Florida Governor Scott Announces $58 Million in Early Restoration Projects for Florida Communities
WJHG – Scott said, “We’re committed to restoring the environment and economy that families have relied upon in the Gulf for generations. These $58 million in Florida projects represent a critical step forward in recovering from the natural resource and recreational losses that resulted from the BP oil spill. We will continue to work with our state, federal and local partners toward solutions that ensure impacted areas are revitalized for families.” List of projects here
NOAA Fisheries – National Marine Fisheries Service Annual Report to Congress on the Status of U.S. Fisheries
About the Report This annual report provides a ‘snapshot’ in time of the status of U.S. fisheries at the end of 2012. Status of Stocks 2012 Report Additional details on managed stocks and past annual reports Read the report here
Waking up with Wicked Tuna on the Morning Buzz, WHEB the Rock station (with the podcasts)
Captain Dave, and mate, nephew Jay are in the studio of The Rock station WHEB yucking it with Greg and the Morning Buzz crew. I’m sitting here this morning trying not to wicked pissah my pants! These frigging guy’s are off the grid, Man!
“There’s no guarantee’s out they-ah” And so it begins! continued
Painful Cuts for Groundfishermen Take Effect
Vineyard Gazette – “These painful cuts will be felt far beyond the docks and will impose economic hardship on our coastal communities.” continued
6 new search and rescue measures expected today
CBCNews- Defence Minister Peter MacKay will announce six new measures related to the search and rescue system on Thursday, including new satellites and changes to response times, CBC News has learned. MacKay has a news conference scheduled for noon in Ottawa with Kerry-Lynne Findlay, associate minister of defense. continued
Md. Shark Fin Bill Supported by Fishing Interests (finally- some common sense!)
BALTIMORE (AP) – A shark fin bill passed by Maryland lawmakers is drawing support from fishing and conservation interests. continued
Deadlines for Public Comments on 2013 North East Groundfish Measures
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