Daily Archives: May 26, 2024

OPINION: Fighting for our lives in King Cove

I am a fisherman; one of my grandfathers was a fisherman and the other one was a lifelong employee of Peter Pan Seafoods. My father was a fisherman, my brother is a fisherman and my mother, for much of her working life, worked for Peter Pan. We live in the southwest Aleut community of King Cove. For my extended family and all the other families like mine, we rely upon our knowledge of the ocean, our skills in the harvesting of fish, and a fish processor that pays a fair price. At the end of each day, we enjoy the satisfaction of hard work paying off. As King Cove’s mayor, it hurts my heart to say that it has taken only a few short months for me to no longer recognize my world. Events have conspired to threaten our very existence. A collapse of our incomes, individually and citywide, the shock of realizing that municipal projects, many years in the making, may grind to a halt. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 20:35

Triple-Rigger for Iceland on Trial at Turkish Builder

Nautic-designed triple-rigger Sigurbjörg is undergoing trials at the Celiktrans shipyard in Turkey, and it’s soon expected to be embarking on the delivery trip to Iceland.The new fresher trawler is outfitted with four Ibercisa trawl winches, enabling it to tow three trawls. The main engine has a 1795kW output, derated from 2100kW, powering a 3800mm diameter propeller to provide a 45 tonne bollard pull. Auxiliary power is be provided by a pair of 600kW gensets. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 13:18

Environmentalism is Dead?

I would look at this as pure (better make that IMPURE!) rabble-rousing alarmism except for one thing. Go to http://www.fishtruth.net, a website that I created and put up way back when. I told the same shameful story decades ago that Robert Bryce is telling today, only his stage is much larger than mine was. Could this all be coincidental? Not very likely. It’s mostly the same actors, the same plot, the same gullible public. The big differences are in the monies involved and the potential harm to a very large part of the national economy. Don’t take my word for it, or Robert Bryce’s. Go to the FishNetUSA site then go to Mr. Bryce’s article. Environmentalism is Dead. It has been replaced by Climatism, and Renewable Energy Fetishism. Spend a bit of time getting familiar with the information, then ask yourself “what are the odds.” And please remember that these aren’t picturesque, bucolic floating villages that the ENGOs and the wind industry are trying to shove down our supposedly energy-starved throats, but massive industrial constructions that are going to be putting the screws to the coastal and offshore waters that so many of us have been protecting for a big part of this last and this century. If you’re looking for Ferdinand the peace loving, flower munching bull, you’re not going to find him out there. Nils E. Stolpe
Fishnet USA (http://www.fishnet-usa.com) 11:10

‘Attacked’ Scottish fishing industry issues plea to John Swinney amid worker shortage

Ever since Brexit, recruiting enough fishermen to sustain the iconic Scottish fishing fleet has been challenging. For a long time, the industry has relied on a huge number of fishermen coming to Scotland from overseas. However, Brexit rule changes now mean they need a skilled workers’ visa to do this. This visa has a very high English language requirement, something very few overseas fishermen are able to meet. The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation now say the new-look Scottish Government needs to do more to attract Scots to become fishermen instead, so the industry doesn’t have to rely so much on overseas recruitment. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:59

Annual Charleston Fisherman’s Memorial “Blessing of the Fleet” – Memorial Day

In honor of the commercial fishing fleet and its importance to the Charleston community, the annual Blessing of the Fleet and Memorial Service will be held at the Charleston Fisherman’s Memorial Garden, near the launch ramp at the Charleston Marina at 10am on Monday, May 27th, 2024. The service honors the local men and women involved in Commercial fishing and the fishing industry who have died since 1941.  As part of the event, local marine services firm owner, William Elderkin will speak at the memorial and a Blessing of the Fleet will take place.   more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:34

Wind farm opponents vow to ‘stay in the fight’

Opponents of offshore wind energy farms warned during a rally Saturday in Ocean City that the legal battle is far from over in their efforts to prevent what they called the “industrialization of our ocean.” Last year, the Danish energy company Orsted scrapped plans to build two wind farms off the South Jersey coast after concluding that the projects would not be worth the enormous development cost. However, opponents stressed during the rally that Orsted still holds the leases giving it rights to build the wind farms and could either revive them or sell them to another company that would develop the projects. “It’s not over. Stay in the fight,” said former Superior Court Judge Michael Donohue, who has headed Cape May County’s legal strategy to block the wind farms. photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:04