Daily Archives: May 30, 2024
Seacoast fishermen say they don’t support wind turbines in Gulf of Maine
A federal group wants to put wind turbines in the Gulf of Maine, but some Seacoast fishermen said they don’t want them. On Wednesday night, several fishermen said they can’t get on board with the idea of wind turbines in the Gulf of Maine, but the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management said they’re trying to be as safe as possible with this potential project. The proposal would allow the state of Maine to build 12 floating turbines about 30 miles off the coast, which some fishermen said would cut them off from where they fish. The project, hoping to protect the endangered North Atlantic Right Whale while supporting the Biden administration’s goal to deploy 30 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030, is on track to be the first floating offshore wind farm in the United States, but more approvals are still needed. Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 16:38
2024 Northeast Spring Bottom Trawl Survey Summary
The 2024 Spring Bottom Trawl Survey began on March 6 and completed operations on May 13 aboard the NOAA Ship Henry B. Bigelow. The survey operates on the Northwest Atlantic continental shelf, sampling at stations from Cape Lookout, North Carolina to Canada’s Scotian Shelf. We planned 377 trawl survey stations and completed 367, for a high completion rate of 97 percent. We sampled plankton at a subset of stations. We took 111 bongo samples of 116 planned, or 96 percent. Data collected include fish age, length, weight, sex, maturity and food habits. All are critical data used in regional fish stock assessments. These assessments help inform fishery management decisions by the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils, as well as the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. Charts, photo gallery, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 13:20
A Master Fisherman with a Big Heart, Peter Cabral Dies at 70
Described as “saltier than a Scully Joe” by his daughter, Ashley, master fisherman Peter Cabral, who earned his first full share on a commercial fishing boat when he was eight years old, died on May 13, 2024. The son of Anna (Corea) Cabral and Louis Cabral, his adoptive father, Peter was born on July 17, 1953 in Gloucester. He grew up on Pearl Street in Provincetown, surrounded by the extended Corea family: his grandparents, Joseph and Virginia Corea; cousins Frank Domingos, Bruce, Joey, and Donna; his aunt Florence; and especially his uncle Joseph Corea, who was like a father to him. When he was a boy, fishing was as natural to Peter as riding a bike. He started commercial fishing at eight. “He earned his full share of the catch, the same as the men on the boat,” Ashley said. “He worked on Papa Joe and on Miss Sandy with Louis Rivers. He was a fishing prodigy.” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:19
Crisis in Irish Inshore Fishing Sector Calls for Urgent State Support
Fishermen have been denied the ability to fish for pollack, and the prices of crab, lobster, and other shellfish have either halved or collapsed entirely since the start of 2024. The ongoing crisis with shrimp prices since last year exacerbates the situation, leaving the sector in urgent need of support from the State. Despite multiple meetings with Minister for Agriculture, Food, and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, the sector has not received the necessary support. “What is happening around the coast is quite heartbreaking,” Mac Lochlainn stated, highlighting the plight of coastal and island communities with generations of fishing experience now struggling to survive. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:47
2024 Shrimp Season kicks off on the Mississippi Sound
Quality, not quantity. That’s the theme for day one of the 2024 Shrimp Season on the Mississippi Sound. As the 2024 season kicked off at 6 a.m. this morning, a total of 46 boats made their way out on the water. While there weren’t many boats, those who did drop their nets found some decent-sized shrimp to sell back at the docks. “We saw about 46 boats from the preliminary estimates,” Mississippi DMR Shrimp & Crab Bureau Director Jason Saucier said. “We did see the largest group of boats inside of Horn Island.” Video ,more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:49