Tag Archives: 15-pound lobster
Sending “Chuck” home -15-pound lobster gets new lease on life
He may have been too big for a pot anyway but a grocery store on Newfoundland’s west coast has spared the life of huge lobster that it says was a big draw for children in Corner Brook. Colemans says its O’Connell Drive store received the massive, 15-pound crustacean — nicknamed ‘Chuck” — in a shipment from a local seafood supplier. After weeks at the store, Colemans asked marine biologist Robert Hooper, of the Bonne Bay Marine Station in Norris Point, to have a look. He estimated Chuck is more than 50 years old. “Everyone agreed the best outcome for this lobster would be to release him back into the ocean,” said Colemans in a news release. So, on June 14, Mike Snooks, a Colemans seafood manager, carefully packed up the giant lobster for a car ride to the beach. After his claw bands were removed, Chuck disappeared into the depths of the Bay of Islands. Link 17:39
Colossal crustacean: Couple catches 15-pound lobster – ‘Oh my God, it’s a monster,'”
“When we pulled the trap up, we saw this huge, dark mass in the back of the trap, and we put it on the deck, and we looked at it and said, ‘Oh my God, it’s a monster,'” Scott Rawding said, noting it was easily the biggest lobster he has ever caught. “We were both aghast when we put it up. We were like, ‘Oh my God. How’d that thing get in there?'” Then came the next step of getting the colossal crustacean out of the trap. continued@seacoastonline