Tag Archives: algal bloom
Fishing group’s list of over 100 reports of incidents and concerns since 2021 marine die-offs
Since October 2021, fishermen have been battling for the region’s ecosystem after swathes of dead crabs, lobsters, and shellfish washed up on beaches. Environmentalists and fishermen fought for answers – with the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs eventually launching a probe.While the initial Defra report said an algal bloom was the most likely cause, further investigations found that a “novel pathogen” was most likely to blame. Independent marine and university experts as well as the fishermen believed dredging on the Tees unearthed historical toxins leading to the mass die off – but this has also been ruled out by the authorities. Incident reports listed by the NEFC, and what a sad list it is, >click to read< 21:34
‘RIP CRABS’: Dead crustaceans dumped on London street in protest of deaths
Protestors have dumped piles of dead and rotting crabs on a London street demanding more action over the mass crustacean deaths along the Teesside coast. The strange occurrence was first noted six months ago when huge piles of dead and dying creatures started to wash up on the beaches at Redcar, Markse and Saltburn and north to Seaton Carew. An image was also etched into the sand at Saltburn beach on Tuesday by local people with a message that read ‘RIP crabs’. A government enquiry into the incident blamed an algal bloom for the crustacean deaths which were first noted last October. It ruled out pollution, dredging activity on the Tees and other causes,,, >click to read< 07:50