Tag Archives: and Fisheries Advisory Committee

Fisherynation Featured Writer Stephen Taufen: Central Gulf of Alaska Groundfish Catch Share Schemes Continue at Kodiak Fisheries Work Group and Fisheries Advisory Committee

0001Kodiak, Alaska – July 2013 by Stephen Taufen, Groundswell Fisheries Movement – In Alaska, the decades long species-by-species march toward ‘giveaway’ privatization of the public commons continues to progress.  At Groundswell, we’re trying to stop that public larceny and keep fisheries open to market forces: not operating under restraints of trade, where price-fixing and job losses materialize.

The following article covered one local meeting on the efforts of the central Gulf of Alaska groundfish trawl industry to get another ‘catch share’ program in place for federal waters. The power of fish politics and corporate money —especially of foreign-owned processing subsidiaries— seeks more tradable, salable quotas. continued here