Tag Archives: B.C. sockeye

Seafood society suspends its own MSC certification over lack of stock assessment
Canadian Pacific Sustainable Seafood Society has announced the “self-suspension” of the MSC certification for B.C. wild salmon, over concerns that the proper stock assessments required to maintain MSC verification are not being done. The society fears it will lose its MSC certification anyway, since it feels DFO is failing to do the science and monitoring required to maintain the certification, so it is voluntarily suspending it for B.C. sockeye, pink and chum salmon. It may be a moot point this year, since there are no wild salmon being caught this year for consumers to buy. >click to read< 20:12
‘Fishing the hell’ out of B.C. sockeye may be best way to preserve stocks, UBC professor says
Few know the issues better than Carl Walters, a fish biologist and professor emeritus at the University of British Columbia, who has studied Fraser sockeye and other salmon species for five decades. To some, he’s a legend; to others, he’s become a pariah. Prof. Walters was once a hard-line protectionist on Fraser sockeye. He endorsed “precautionary management” Read the rest here 23:27