Tag Archives: Bay of Fundy Lobster fishermen

Heavy weather forcasted, Fundy lobster fishermen lose bid to set traps early
An appeal by Bay of Fundy Lobster fishermen to set their traps Monday instead of Tuesday has been rejected by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Fishermen on both Grand Manan and along the north Fundy Coast say weather forecasts for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday point to unsafe conditions with boats facing potentially 12-foot (four-metre) seas and winds of 35 to 40 knots. “Basically, the federal employees want their long weekend and they don’t give a hoot about the fishing fleet.” Laurence Cook, Grand Manan Fishermen’s Association >click to read<09:15
Frustrated Bay of Fundy Lobster fishermen losing gear to ship traffic
Tuesday marked the beginning of lobster season in the Bay of Fundy, but some fishermen have run into a problem that is costing them time and money during what they say is the cream of the lobster fishing season. Lobster fisherman Larry Cook almost lost some of his traps Friday when a ship was going to anchor where they were set up. A friend noticed the approaching ship and moved some of Cook’s gear for him. Cook fishes at a place called Deadmans Point, between Blacks Harbour and Beavers Harbour. Read the rest here 08:33