Tag Archives: Black sea bass
New Hampshire Fish and Game Department Hearing to air proposal to reduce take in scallop fishing
CONCORD — A public hearing on proposed amendments to the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department marine fisheries rules, as well as proposed rule changes for several Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC)-managed species, will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 1, at 7 p.m. at the Urban Forestry Center, 45 Elwyn Road in Portsmouth. Department is proposing to: Reduce the daily poundage of scallops that can be taken in a day in state waters from 200 pounds of shucked scallops to 75 pounds, and from 1,666 pounds to 625 pounds for scallops in the shell; change the open season for taking scallops with a dredge to December 1 to April 15; allow limited use of chafing gear on a scallop dredge. more@fosterdailydemocrat 12:08
Bass and Bivalves – another Vineyard waterfront success story.
The best treat available in the local fish market, and in the restaurants, is something you haven’t eaten in a while — black sea bass, another Vineyard waterfront success story. Striped Bass Hiccup – The state Division of Marine Fisheries will reopen the commercial striped bass fishing season on Sunday for one day. Shellfish Season – There is a bounty of juvenile oysters in Tisbury Great Pond. more@mvgazette 12:36
NMFS Seeks Comments on Proposed Actions for Black Sea Bass in the South Atlantic – Possible Opening in 2013 of Commercial and Recreational Red Snapper Season
NOAA Fisheries NMFS is seeking public comment on proposed actions in Regulatory Amendment 19 to the Fishery Management Plan for the Snapper-Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic Region. The proposed rule published in the Federal Register on July 2, 2013 (78 FR 39700). Comments must be received on or before August 1, 2013. The final rule to determine red snapper fishing seasons and harvest amounts for 2013 and subsequent years (Amendment 28) is currently under review. NOAA Fisheries NMFS will provide 30 days’ notice prior to potential commercial and recreational openings. Therefore, the opening of the commercial and recreational fishing seasons for red snapper will not occur in July 2013. Link
Commercial fishery for black sea bass ends after four months – Closed – Cape Hatteras to Key West, Fla.,
The year-long commercial fishery for black sea bass closed earlier this month after being open for just four months, a preemptive measure designed to protect recovering fish populations throughout the Atlantic Ocean. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the fishery’s 309,000-pound annual catch limit – the amount of fish that can be harvested each year without adversely affecting population levels, according to federal regulators – was reached early.
The Rhode Island Marine Fisheries Council (RIMFC) held meeting in preparation of November 8, 2012 public hearing
Captain Dave Monti. The Rhode Island Marine Fisheries Council (RIMFC) held commercial fluke (summer flounder), scup/black sea bass and herring advisory panel meetings on October 2 in preparation for a Thursday, November 8, 2012 public hearing. The purpose of the advisory panels is to provide industry (fishermen) and the general public with the opportunity to offer input and proposals to be considered at public hearing.
Advisory panels reviewed Department of Environmental Management (DEM) presentations on stock assessment, historical fishing activity and allocations. The November 8th public hearing on proposed management plan changes is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. at the University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, Corless Auditorium, South Ferry Road, Narragansett, RI. Commercial and recreational fishermen are urged to attend and provide input on proposals.