Tag Archives: bottlenose dolphins.

US Wind Requests Authorization to Cover Possible Harm, Disturbance to Marine Mammals

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries has announced a request from US Wind, Inc. for a Letter of Authorization that would cover potential negative impacts to small numbers of marine mammals during construction of US Wind’s offshore wind project.US Wind also requested Incidental Take Regulations that would establish how many of a certain marine mammal species’ incidental disruption and possible injury would be permissible during construction.  “This regulatory action is part of NOAA’s ongoing work to ensure the nation’s deployment of offshore wind energy is done in a manner that avoids and minimizes impacts on protected resources and their habitats,” NOAA Fisheries said in a social media post Wednesday. more, >>click to read<< 06:38

Deepwater Horizon Fallout: Bottlenose dolphins in Louisiana’s Barataria Bay have lung damage and adrenal hormone abnormalities

The publication details the first evidence that dolphins in heavily oiled areas are exhibiting injuries consistent with toxic effects observed in laboratory studies of mammals exposed to petroleum hydrocarbons. more@noaa.gov  22:29

Rule prohibits gill nets within 100 yards of N.C. beaches – takes effect Sunday

A new rule — which governs the use of gill nets and takes effect Sunday — is designed to protect  The rule prohibits small mesh gill nets within 100 yards of most North Carolina beaches. Two areas are exempt from the setback, however. The exceptions are between Cape Lookout and Bogue Inlet, and between Carolina Beach Inlet and the South Carolina line. more@jdnews 12:01