Tag Archives: by Carol Frazier

Reader Commentary: NOAA cares about whales — until wind farms are involved

Does the left hand know what the right hand is doing? Remember a couple of years ago when the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration proposed draconian new speed rules for commercial and recreational vessels up and down the entire Atlantic Coast? This rule attempted to extend to vessels between 35 and 65 feet in length the existing requirement that vessels over 65 feet in length reduce their speed to 10 knots in what is called Seasonal Management Areas along the Atlantic Coast.  Fast forward to now, and we find that NOAA has received a request from U.S. Wind, LLC, for a “letter of authorization for incidental take regulations” (basically killing) of  members of several marine mammal groups over a period of five years (2025-2029) during the construction of the wind farms off the coast of Maryland. By Carol Frazier, more, >>click to read<< 10:16

Opinion: Offshore wind, marine-life deaths by Carol Frazier

Do you remember the line from “The Wizard of Oz” when Dorothy and her companions are on their way to Oz and are afraid of being attacked? The line was “Lions and tigers and bears – oh my! Lions and tigers and bears – oh my!” Well, I have revised that to “Murphy and Carney and Moore – oh my!” referring to the three Democrat governors of New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland who are absolutely determined to go full steam ahead on offshore wind, no matter what evidence of harm to wildlife and commercial fishing and the economy is presented. I read Doug Miller’s letter to the editor of Aug. 11 with interest, also. Regarding Mr. Miller’s statement that concern about whale deaths is nonsense, I beg to differ. >click to read< 08:54