Tag Archives: Captain Manson Falgout Sr.
“We felt safer on the boat” – Families on Bayou Grand Caillou left homeless after Hurricane Ida
Ida’s intense winds pushed the home mother-to-be Mauldin shared with her boyfriend and his family from its 4-foot concrete pillars onto the ground. The foundation broken and metal roof peeled away, the house appeared to be a complete loss. “Hopefully we can rebuild and start all over,” Verdin said. “I’ve been here forever. This is the first storm for us as homeowners that was this bad.” The family of six rode out the storm in a shrimp boat. Verdin’s husband, Manson Falgout Sr., has been a commercial shrimper for 30 years and captain of the F/V My Dad Whitney for at least a decade. “We felt safer on the boat,” Verdin said. “It’s all iron, and if the water rises, it floats. Thankfully we didn’t stay home. We lost our home.” Photo’s, >click to read< 11:14