Tag Archives: Carteret County Fisherman’s Association
Norh Carolina: Blessing of the Fleet pays tribute to commercial fishing families
The sun glistened on the rippling waters of Beaufort Inlet, creating a picture-perfect day Sunday for the 26th annual Blessing of the Fleet ceremony, held at Radio Island between Morehead City and Beaufort. Thirty-two commercial fishing vessels slowly made their way by Radio Island as wreaths were thrown into the water. Each wreath represented a commercial fisherman or family member who had died. The solemn procession was a segment of the NC Seafood Festival that honors area commercial fishing families and those who have died while harvesting food from the sea. As well as about 200 people lining the shore to watch the procession, private boaters filled the waterway to pay tribute. 13 photos, >>click to read<< 14:39

Blessing of the Fleet pays tribute to commercial fishing families
The sun broke through the clouds Sunday morning just in time for the start of the Blessing of the Fleet ceremony at the N.C. Port in Morehead City. Thirty commercial fishing vessels slowly made their way by the port as wreaths were thrown in the water. Each wreath represented a commercial fisherman or family member who had died. The solemn procession was a segment of the N.C. Seafood Festival that honors area commercial fishing families and those who have died while harvesting food from the sea. In addition to 200 people lining the shore to watch the procession, private boaters filled the waterway to pay tribute. “As these boats are getting ready to come by, I can’t help but think of those fellas in Florida who have lost everything,” he said. “They just don’t need prayer, they need help. – Guest speaker Zack Davis. 23 Photos, >click to read< 22:17

Blessing of the Fleet ceremony enters 21st year
A popular part of the N.C. Seafood Festival is remembering and recognition of the commercial fishing industry. The Blessing of the Fleet ceremony honors those who work on the water.,,, Kenny Rustick has been a commercial fisherman since he was a small child, fishing with members of his family.,, “It’s got a lot of meaning. It’s a time of year that the fishermen and their families come together and the communities all come together to memorialize the ones that’ve left us,”,,, Mr. Rustick and Mr. Grant were fishing aboard the Mad Lady II last July when the vessel overturned in Pamlico Sound. The men were lost at sea for 14 hours. >click to read< 07:49
Commercial fishermen seek to halt recreational angling?
You think the differences between commercial fishing groups and recreational anglers has been heated in the past? Well … consider this just in from the “you aren’t going to believe this” file. In the comment section: I’d care to bet the use of long line commercial and net techniques vastly outweigh the stray rec hook & line incident. These clowns are simply trying to divert attention away from an obvious fact: commercial netting is the #1 way to overfish any fish population. I can’t believe it! Read more here 08:49
Commercial fishing groups suing over sea turtles – Video report
We spoke with a local commercial fisherman who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of backlash from the recreational fishing community and turtle activists. “Why don’t everybody have to abide by the same laws?” <Read more here> 19:21
North Carolina Commercial fishing groups file complaint regarding Endangered Species Act
Litigation was filed today alleging that several agencies and their representatives have failed to abide by the Endangered Species Act, (ESA), in the. Plaintiffs are the North Carolina Fisheries Association, Inc,; and the Carteret County Fisherman’s Association, Inc., both non profit trade associations of commercial fishermen, seafood dealers and processors. <Read the Press Release here> 16:43
Red drum season closed for summer after commercial harvest exceeds annual quota – CCA-NC Very Concerned!
Commercial fishermen will go nearly a year without a red drum season following an unusually large harvest in the fall that has prompted a closure. The Coastal Conservation Association of North Carolina “obviously very concerned about the significant amount that the commercial red drum quota was exceeded,” said CCA-NC Chairman Greg Hurt. jdnew.com Read more here 11:36
Coastal Conservation Association says commercial fishermen exaggerating how many sea turtles impacted by recreational fishing.
While plaintiffs (the NCFA and CCFA) imply that state hook-and-line fishermen accounted for 45 percent of sea turtle interactions according to 2013 North Carolina Sea Turtle Strandings and Salvage Network (STSSN) information, the actual STSSN data show that state recreational fishermen accounted for no more than 25 percent of fishing gear interactions with sea turtles and 4 percent of gear-caused sea turtle fatalities,” the CCA stated. Read more here carolinacoastonline 15:00
N.C. Fisheries Association, Carteret County Fisherman’s Association consider legal action
Two area organizations representing commercial fishermen are willing to take their efforts from local waterways to the courtroom in order to get an accurate stock assessment to gauge the recovery of the sea turtle population. Read more here jdnews 12:09