Tag Archives: CEO Erin Williams

Shrimp sham: Investigation finds over 80% of “Gulf shrimp” sold on Mississippi Coast is imported

After Mississippi Gulf Coast staple restaurant Mary Mahoney’s Old French House came under fire for fraudulent branding of seafood, a new third-party investigation has found that mislabeling imported seafood is more rule than the exception for the region’s celebrated food scene. SeaD Consulting, a firm that specializes in genetic testing to monitor mislabeling and substitution fraud in the seafood industry, conducted a comprehensive investigation into the potential misrepresentation of shrimp served across coastal Mississippi. “Consumers come to the coast expecting the finest, freshest Gulf seafood, but what they’re being served often falls far short of that,” COO of SeaD Consulting Erin Williams said in a press release. “This isn’t just about mislabeling; it’s about eroding consumer trust, undercutting local business, and threatening the livelihood of hardworking Gulf shrimpers.” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 10:56

Another festival caught selling imported shrimp as ‘Gulf’ shrimp

The Morgan City Shrimp and Petroleum Festival was recently in the spotlight for selling imported shrimp. The same consultant group who genetically tested the shrimp continued their investigation at the National Shrimp Festival in Gulf Shores and found the same situation. SeaD Consulting tested five vendors at the National Shrimp Festival that advertised to have Gulf shrimp. Of the five, only one had authentic Gulf shrimp: Rouse’s Supermarket. SeaD Consulting recently found similar results for the Shrimp and Petroleum Festival in Morgan City, with only one of the five vendors sampled actually serving shrimp from the Gulf of Mexico. Video, links, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:39