Tag Archives: Cornish Fish Producers Organisation (CFPO)
Proposed wind farms ‘devastating’ for fishers
Proposals to expand planned wind farm sites off the Devon and Cornwall coast could devastate the fishing industry, fishermen have warned. It comes after the Crown Estate, which owns the sea bed, published its latest map of potential development zones. It includes thousands of square miles off Land’s End and the Isles of Scilly, currently prime fishing grounds, and an expanded zone off north Devon. Dave Stevens, who has fished off Newlyn for 30 years, said new offshore wind development would not be good for the industry. “It would be a devastating blow if that went ahead,” he said. “Everyone would be wanting to get out. “I don’t think the industry has been this challenged ever.” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:35
Local fishers to benefit from extra post-Brexit fishing quota
Fishermen in Cornwall are set to be the first to benefit from extra post-Brexit fishing quota as part of new trial schemes announced by the government today. A community trial will give fishers in the region access to an extra 240 tonnes of quota, which will be leased to them at below market rates with priority given to new fishers and those looking to operate larger vessels. The trial, which is being delivered by the Cornish Fish Producer Organisation, Duchy Fish Quota Company, and Cornwall Council, will span stocks including cod, place, skate, rays and sole. Funds raised will be reinvested back into the scheme to support fishers in the trial through training in project management, monitoring and reporting and marketing and promotion. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 17:52

“I want to be a fisherman when I grow up.” Being a fisherman is a highly regarded job. Here, it’s a last resort.
Tom Lambourn is a 24-year-old fisherman based in Newlyn. He comes from proper fishing stock with both parents heavily involved in the fishing industry. Tom also has a degree in chemistry having studied at Cardiff University. Despite studying nearly 200 miles away, he couldn’t wait to return to Cornwall during holidays and spend time around the harbour and out on the boats.,, James Roberts is a 29-year-old who also fishes out of Newlyn Harbour. But unlike Tom, he didn’t get into it through his direct family. “I was about 8-years-old when I started going down the quay,” >click to read< 09:33