Tag Archives: Deepwater Horizon

Sheeeit Judge! It was only 3.26 million barrels! (I think he’s lyin’)

BP’s Macondo well spilled only 3.26 million barrels of oil during the 87 days that followed the April 20, 2010 blowout that sank the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig, killing 11 workers, a witness for the company testified Thursday. Martin Blunt, an assistant professor of petroleum engineering at Great Britain’s Imperial College, said his estimate takes into account the geology of the area of the Gulf of Mexico where the Macondo reservoir was located, unlike the 5 million or more barrels estimated by expert witnesses for the Justice Department. more@nola 11:27

Louisiana Gov. Jindal: BP Agrees to Pay $340 Million for Restoration Projects

Myarklamiss.com – BP has agreed to fund approximately $340 million in restoration projects for Louisiana. This investment is part of the $1 billion that BP agreed to invest for early restoration of damaged natural resources resulting from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. continued

Gulf health questions linger after oil leak

BP is doing exactly what big corporations are expected to do, Muth said: Launch a massive public relations campaign to show that everything’s back to normal on the Gulf Coast. Some things are, he said, but the extent of the damage remains an unknown. continued

After The Spill: The Environment And Economy Of The Gulf

In July 2010, the oil spill caused by the Deepwater Horizon rig explosion fouled beaches and wetlands, killed wildlife, and ruined seafood businesses. Nearly three years later, as the civil trial against BP begins, those who live and work in the area continue to feel the disaster’s effects. Transcript and audio here

New Documentary ‘Dirty Energy’ highlights dangerous role of dispersants in BP’s cleanup effort

untitledbp deathIn the movie, marine toxicologist Riki Ott summarized what the oil industry learned from the Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska in 1989: “We have to control the images. We’ve got to minimize the appearance of damages. That will limit our liability.”
That’s what BP did in the Gulf. “If you disperse it, you don’t see it,” said shrimper George Barisich, who attended the screening of “Dirty Energy” in Port Huron on Jan. 19. “As they dispersed it more and more, the less people saw, the more they forgot about it.” Read more here

The Wreckage of the Deepwater Horizon is Emitting a Mysterious Substance Into the Gulf of Mexico

But, hey, maybe it’s a coincidence. What could be causing oil slicks around an abandoned, decaying exploded oil rig? Could be anything. The Gulf’s three-eyed fish must be loving their new permanent neighbor. Read More

Report: Dispersants Used After Blowout Had Few Ill Effects

fish-contaminated-with-oil-from-the-BP-Gulf-Oil-spill-will-be-safe-to-eat-within-a-few-weeks-of-contaminationLead author of the report, Doctor Jane Lubchenko, the head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, was a key advisor to Environmental Protection Agency head Lisa Jackson when she made the decision, shortly after the blowout, to allow them to use dispersants underwater. “It was our judgment that use of dispersants would help the oil be naturally biodegraded more naturally, and that certainly seems to have been the case” Lubchenko said. http://www.alaskapublic.org/2012/12/12/report-dispersants-used-after-blowout-had-few-ill-effects/