Tag Archives: Deepwater Wind project
US Senate candidate Nardolillo on Sheldon Whitehouse’s Conflicting Positions
State Rep Bobby Nardolillo, himself a candidate for the US Senate, reacted today to an announcement from the incumbent regarding Off Shore Drilling. On Monday, February 12th, Sen. Whitehouse will appear on the Bay Campus of URI to pledge his effort to prevent any off shore oil exploration in New England waters. Mr. Whitehouse will be joined at this announcement by Christopher Brown, President of the national commercial fishing organization, Seafood Harvesters of America. The plan appears to be that the Senator will cite potential degradation of fishing grounds as the driver for preventing oil exploration. “I was surprised to read the notice of this rally.” Rep. Nardolillo said. “Especially in view of our Junior Senator’s full throated support for the Deepwater Wind project, off Block Island.” >click to read< 12:46