Tag Archives: Dock to Dish

A Renewed Focus on Fresh Fish

Dock to Dish, a restaurant-supported fishery cooperative founded in Montauk in 2012, has new owners and a renewed focus on getting fresh-from-the-boat seafood directly into the kitchens of restaurants across the East End and the New York area. And the fact that most of the owners are also fishermen doesn’t hurt. The six fishing families who own Inlet Seafood in Montauk took over Dock to Dish in November along with K.C. Boyle, who is overseeing day-to-day operations. “The idea is just like the previous iteration of Dock to Dish: Work to source the best ingredients on earth,” Mr. Boyle said Friday while making deliveries in New York City. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:53

Once Sourced Out-of-State, Shrimp From New York Is Becoming a Status Ingredient

When wild shrimp is US-harvested, it’s pulled in-season from the waters off Louisiana, Texas, Florida, and the Carolinas. Increasingly, though, a select number of New York restaurants are embracing local shrimp, highlighting fisheries in and around Montauk. Long Island’s royal red shrimp is caught off Montauk at nearly 3,000 feet. “Their color is a gorgeous, gorgeous dark red; a color I’ve never seen in my life,” says lifelong fisherman, K.C. Boyle. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:42

A ‘Dock to Dish’ Effort Meant to Support N.H. Fishermen

Commercial ground fishermen on the east coast are struggling–so much so that there’s concern about whether they, and not the fish they catch, are an endangered species. An organization called New Hampshire Community Seafood is launching an effort to get more Granite Staters interested in eating local seafood, with the hope that it’ll provide a boost to fishermen.  Manager Andrea Tomlinson is trying to sign up 1,000 members who want regular deliveries of fresh seafood. “You know, the real reason we’re in business is to support the remaining ground fishermen here in New Hampshire. That’s our mission.” Tomlinson says there are far fewer fishermen off New Hampshire’s coast than there were two decades ago. The reason, she says, is cod catch quotas that are meant to prevent over-fishing. “In 2015, our sector was limited to catching approximately 62,000 pounds of cod, whereas three years prior to that, our sector was able to catch 2,000,000 pounds of cod,” Tomlinson says. click here to read the story 08:06

Dock To Dish Montauk: Local ‘Know Your Fisherman’ Movement Goes International

dock to dish montaukSean Barret, a co-founder of Montauk Restaurant Supported Fishery (RSF), grew up on the East End of Long Island. “I have been involved with fishing and restaurants my entire life. Since we were young kids we would make dinner at night with what we caught that day, that’s how we grew up,” he noted. “Then a few years ago I was in Spain’s Basque Country and noticed the fishermen coming in and bringing their catch directly from the harbor straight into the local restaurants. A light bulb turned on.” Read the rest here 19:11

Montauk’s Dock to Dish Steers The East End Toward Locally Caught Seafood

There’s no shortage of seafood in East Hampton. Restaurants and markets throughout the town are stocked with favorites like shrimp, squid, swordfish, cod and more. However, not all fish are caught and distributed equally. Bonnie Brady, executive director of the Long Island Commercial Fishing Association, said the demand for certain species of fish is one of the reasons why the market is under so much strain. Read the rest here 16:53

Dock to Dish Opens Florida’s First Community Supported Fishery

docktodishDock to Dish, the first community and restaurant supported fishery program anchored in Montauk, announced last week it would open Florida’s first ever Community Supported Fishery (CSF) in Key West in February of this year. The program is being developed in conjunction with Key West restaurateur Chris Holland and the Florida Keys Commercial Fishermen’s Association. Read the rest here 14:00