Tag Archives: Dungeness crab

Elwha River building beaches again: Crab found where it once was too rocky

Miller, a coastal hazards specialist with Washington Sea Grant, came across a Dungeness crab that had tucked itself into fine-grain sand onto the lowest portion of a beach east of the river mouth, just north of where Sampson Road on the Lower Elwha Klallam reservation ends. more@pdn  11:43

Guest commentary: Congressman Jim Costa’s move to gut the ESA will destroy the Delta – Carolee Krieger, California Water Impact Network.

Congressman Jim Costa is at it again, doing everything he can to drain the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta and send the water south to the megafarms of his agribusiness cronies in the western San Joaquin Valley.The Bay/Delta system comprises the largest estuary on the West Coast. It is a vast aquatic nursery that sustains not just our salmon, but our Dungeness crab, white sturgeon, and herring fisheries as well. By allowing unrestricting pumping, we would assure the death of the Delta’s already beleaguered ecosystems. continued

NorCal crab season delayed Daily News

 Northern California commercial fishing boats will have to wait until the end of  December to fish for Dungeness crab. The commercial Dungeness crab fishing  season north of Sonoma County is now scheduled to open Dec. 31.