Daily Archives: July 3, 2024

Copper River/PWS catch exceeds 1M salmon 

Commercial salmon harvests for the Copper River and the rest of Prince William Sound have now exceeded one million fish, including an estimated 959,946 sockeyes, in a season where retail prices continue to vary from $37.95 to $12.99 a pound. As more commercial fisheries opened statewide, Copper River, Bering River and Coghill district harvesters embarked June 24 on 36-hour commercial drift gillnet openers, and the Eshamy district began a 24-hour fishery. Commercial harvesters in the Unakwik, Montague and Southwestern districts were also fishing. As of late Monday, June 24, the salmon harvest in Prince William Sound stood at 973,000 sockeyes, 549,000 chum, 6,000 Chinook, and 1,000 pinks. Cook Inlet anglers had 42,000 sockeyes, and Bristol Bay districts — which are just getting started — had delivered 228,000 reds, bringing the Central Region total to 1.8 million fish, including 1.2 million sockeyes, 549,000 chum, 6,000 Chinooks, and 1,000 humpies. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 19:12

Folkestone Trawler Race cancelled for 2024 after attracting 10,000 people to town’s harbour

An annual water festival celebrating a town’s fishing industry has been cancelled following “safety” fears caused by a lack of funding. Organizers have confirmed Folkestone’s Trawler Race will not go ahead this summer which sees the town’s fishermen take to the sea and race around the harbour. However, organiser Cath Mison has announced this year’s gala will not feature as planned. “We have made the decision to save what funds we have already and apply to other funding avenues so we can put on a spectacular event for the Trawler Race’s 50th Anniversary in 2025. “It has been a difficult decision, but we can not deliver this year’s event effectively and safely. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:32

Southeast Texas shrimpers have chance to voice concerns about ‘shrimp dumping’

Southeast Texas shrimpers are fighting to protect their livelihoods amid shrimp dumping. Shrimp dumping involves the heavy import of foreign shrimp that gets “dumped” into the American market. Now, the United States International Trade Commission wants shrimpers to fill out a questionnaire and document their struggles. On Tuesday, a meeting was held at the International Seafarer Center in Port Arthur. It was filled with dozens of shrimpers eager to learn about what is happening with their fight against foreign shrimp import dumping. At Tuesday’s meeting, fishermen listened to legislative updates about a petition they submitted last year to the Department of Commerce and the International Trade Commission about shrimp dumping being investigated. Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:28

Spectre of draggers returning to cod fishery drives FFAW to call to reinstate moratorium

Newfoundland and Labrador’s fisheries union is calling on the federal government to revert its decision to end the moratorium on cod fishing and reinstate a stewardship fishery, a week after the federal Liberal government called the move “a historic milestone.” Greg Pretty, president of the Fish, Food and Allied Workers union (FFAW), told reporters in a press conference on Tuesday — the 32nd anniversary of the 1992 cod moratorium — there’s real concern that everything done over the last 32 years to rebuild the stock will be undone if offshore draggers, both Canadian and international, are allowed to fish cod in Newfoundland and Labrador waters again. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:38

Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 40′ Novi Scalloper/Permits, John Deere Diesel

To review specifications, information, and 4 photos’, >click here< To see all the boats in this series, >click here< 06: 05