Tag Archives: eliminating our helicopter

Newport Fishermen’s Wives seeks injunction to prevent the USCG from eliminating our helicopter

af5857_bd597e2a1bf84cecafda9cd4c6078a2d_jpg_srz_359_244_75_22_0_50_1_20_0Newport Fishermen’s Wives is filing suit in federal court, seeking an injunction to prevent the USCG in Wash D.C. from eliminating our helicopter. To make a contribution for legal fees, click the link below. OR mail your contribution to NFW P.O. Box 971 Newport, OR 97365 NFW is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Thank you so much. ‪#‎savethehelo‬ http://www.newportfishermenswives.com/#!savethehelo/ccmz 10:17