Tag Archives: extended closure

Extended Closure of CA Dungeness Crab Fishing Season Will Hurt Working Families, Eliminate Holiday Crab Traditions

“Since mid-November, fishermen have had to sit idle at the dock and accept delays in the opening of their crab season due to the new, highly restrictive and unfair RAMP rules. “And now the season is being postponed for a full month,” said Ben Platt, president of the California Coast Crab Association (CCCA). Called the Risk Assessment Mitigation Program (RAMP), the new CDFW rules are more restrictive than even the strictest fishery laws in the nation,,, Our fishery is having zero impact on the species,,, “This is a huge success story, and in light of it, the new regulations constitute a solution in the absence of any real problem,” >click to read< 11:29


The Division of Marine Fisheries has enacted an emergency regulation to extend the Large Whale Trap Gear Closure for a portion of Cape Cod Bay through May 15th. Affected lobstermen may begin to set their gear on Wednesday May 16th. The duration of this closure extension may be shortened or further prolonged based on the results of continuing aerial surveys.  This extended closure only applies within those waters of Cape Cod Bay south of 42° 08’ north latitude and those waters north of Cape Cod west of 70° 10’ west longitude (map). >click to read<16:06