Tag Archives: fishermen not happy

Fishermen push for further changes to Portugal’s offshore wind farm plan

In spite of concessions made to the national offshore wind farm plan, fishermen are still not happy. The VianaPesca co-operative claims the plan as it has been re-thought still “absorbs the largest fishing site” off north western Viana do Castelo. “We have already alerted the prime minister to introduce a correction to the law, because all the associations in the north are united to respond to this betrayal,” Portela Rosa, who represents the VianaPesca co-operative of fish producers in Viana do Castelo, with around 450 members, tells Lusa. According to the fishermen, the Affectation Plan for Offshore Renewable Energies (PAER), published last week, jeopardises “the largest fishing ground off Viana do Castelo, the so-called Viana secos”. more >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:44