Tag Archives: fishing regulations
Few waters contain a more baffling hodgepodge of fishing rules than the Florida Keys
Recreational and commercial fishing in South Florida waters falls under the jurisdiction of three government agencies: The federal South Atlantic Fishery Management Council and the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, and the state FWC. Then toss in rules for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Everglades National Park, Biscayne National Park, national wildlife areas and species-specific closed areas. @keysnet
Crafting a Vision for the Future of Fisheries
The federal law that mandates fishery management sets ten national standards that all fishing regulations must meet. But those standards are somewhat vague and sometimes even contradictory. listen@wcai
New fishing regulations seek to limit whale, dolphin deaths
A new federal rule proposal that seeks to support the state’s fisheries while also protecting whales, dolphins and other marine mammals from getting hurt or killed in trawl lines and other fishing gear will be the subject of public hearings in Maine next month. continued@kennebecjournal