Tag Archives: F/V Reaper

Coast Guard medevacs injured crewman from fishing vessel south of Montauk

Coast Guard crews medevaced a 25-year old man from a fishing vessel 80-miles southeast of Montauk, New York, early Tuesday morning. Watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector Long Island Sound command center received notification around 11:00 p.m., Monday from the captain of the ‘Reaper’ that a crewmember had experienced what appeared to be a seizure, and struck his head on an object when he fell. The man’s current medical condition is unknown. The ‘Reaper’ is a 45-foot fishing vessel homeported in Point Judith, Rhode Island. -USCG-10:57

Historic fishing vessel refloated after it overturned in high winds – “she just keeled right over”!

_90701426_ba534480-5f08-40cb-b30b-420333c60358One person was taken to hospital when the Reaper, a 70ft vessel dating back to 1902, blew on to its side at Johnshaven Harbour. Firefighters from Inverbervie and Stonehaven had worked to pump water from the hull. Reaper is one of the few of its kind to have remained in a seagoing condition. The boat, which was re-fitted in 2004, is part of the core collection of the national historic ships fleet. Joan Paton, chairwoman of the Scottish Fisheries Museum Boats Club, said members of the public had been onboard when it was blown over. She said: “We were just opening the boat to the public, all was going very well, the boat was looking pristine, very clean and tidy. “Unfortunately, just a freak gust of wind caught the sail, a rope snapped and . Read the rest here 14:10