Tag Archives: Gulf of Mexico shrimpers
Slave labor could help local shrimpers and fisherman to raise awareness about local seafood
A report last week shed stunning light on work conditions on fishing boats half way around the world and opened a door for local shrimpers and fisherman to raise awareness about local seafood. For local seafood advocates, like shrimper and shrimp processor Kim Chauvin, the news comes as a breath of fresh air amidst an onslaught of negative press aimed at Gulf of Mexico shrimpers. “It’s disgusting to see that that’s going on and our government continues to give them subsidies. They (our Government) are sitting here and acting like they have our best interest at heart.” Chauvin said. Read more here 11:38
Govt to review Chinese shrimp imports-Shrimp farmers are preparing for conflict with the U.S.
NOAA shelves turtle protection plans to require “turtle excluder devices” for small fishing operations-Center for Biological Diversity “critical”
“The information we now have suggests the conservation benefit does not justify the burden this rule would place on the industry. We need more research looking at different options,” Roy Crabtree, southeast regional administrator for NOAA Fisheries, said in a statement. The rules had been set to take effect by spring. Gulf of Mexico shrimpers had said the requirement could push them out of business. The change would have affected 2,600 fishermen, including an estimated 2,300 vessels in Louisiana. Crabtree said federal officials will continue their research to help prevent turtle deaths. http://www.thenewsstar.com/viewart/20121128/NEWS01/211280341/NOAA-shelves-turtle-protection-plans