Tag Archives: haddock and yellowtail flounder.
What has Changed? Published: October 27, 1994 – Commercial-Fishing Halt Is Urged for Georges Bank
Faced with a fishery on the verge of collapse, a Federal council today recommended virtually shutting down commercial fishing in the Georges Bank off Cape Code, once one of the world’s richest fishing grounds. While some fishing could continue, the council, the New England Fishery Management Council, directed its staff to come up with measures that would reduce the catch of cod, haddock and yellowtail flounder, the principal species sought on the Georges Bank, to as close to zero as practical. Read more@nyt 16:07
The Green Goon Squad Strikes AGAIN! – NOAA sued again, this time by environmentalists
NEW BEDFORD — For the second time this week, NOAA has been sued — this time twice — by two environmental groups “Managers should be acting conservatively to steward the remaining fish and the places they have retreated to, not making them more available to the fishing fleet. “Opening up protected areas will not magically create new fish.” Seafood consultant James Kendall of New Bedford, a former member of the council, said Friday, “I think they’re full of it.” (oh yes they are, Jim, lawsuits based on random notions!) continued