Tag Archives: Hurricaine Sandy

This fisherman promises to rebuild after storm destroys home

In the truest sense of the word, I will be starting over. There are many saving graces in this disaster, beginning with the outpouring of love from friends, family, and people in the fishing industry who have all offered prayers and help. That’s a true testament to our industry of fishermen as a close-knit, caring family, and I am thankful. Read more http://www.courierpostonline.com/article/20121105/NEWS02/311050020/This-fisherman-promises-rebuild-after-storm-destroys-home

Fishing community hit hard by Hurricane Sandy Sandy’s near-term effect on Long Island’s recreational angling community and the local fishing industry

Nowhere on Long Island was Sandy’s impact greater than along the Atlantic coast from the western South Shore through the West End towns and beaches.


Tall Ship Bounty lost to Sandy. Two missing

Bounty goes down off NC coast. Fourteen recovered, two missing. Details as they arrive.

PORTSMOUTH, Va. — Donning survival suits and boarding life boats, the crew of a tall ship in distress off North Carolina’s Outer Banks abandoned the vessel as Hurricane Sandy swirled toward the East Coast, the Coast Guard said early Monday. http://bangordailynews.com/2012/10/29/news/midcoast/crew-of-tall-ship-hms-bounty-abandons-ship/