Tag Archives: Hurricane Sandy

Bounty owner sued

BRIDGEWATER — Claudene Christian’s mother has filed a $90-million lawsuit against the owner of the Bounty. In it she alleges that he allowed the ship’s “dangerously incompetent” captain and “severely untrained…continued

Sandy Damage Threatens Horseshoe Crabs and Migratory Shorebirds

WNYC News – The storm dispersed what  need most to lay eggs – sand. “Sandy was so violent that it pushed sand well in, or out to sea,” said independent biologist Larry Niles, working with the American Littoral Society. Without abundant levels of horseshoe crab eggs, migratory birds that eat the eggs during spring stopovers to Arctic breeding grounds will suffer.  Especially the threatened Red Knot. continued

F/V Deesie Survives Hurricane Sandy

House plan guts aid for fisheries

Two newly released U.S. House Rules Committee amendments combine to roughly match the Senate appropriation totaling $60 billion for Superstorm Sandy relief, but virtually eliminate the $150 million for fisheries disaster aid amanatthewheelimed at providing relief to the Northeast groundfishery, including fishermen working out of Gloucester. One amendment for $17 billion, filed by Rep. Hal Rogers, a Kentucky Republican and chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, contains no money for the fisheries disasters of Massachusetts, four other New England states and New York, as well as Mississippi’s oyster fishery and Alaska’s Chinook salmon fishery. Read more

Hurricane Sandy Aid Bill Includes $150 Million for Alaskan Fisheries – BREITBART (as our industry disasters East and West are marginalized)

One out of every $20 spent in a new bill to aid victims of Hurricane Sandy will go to “non-relief-related pork,” says American Majority Action Spokesman Ron Meyer in an email to Breitbart News. Read More 


Fishing industry still reeling from Sandy [Asbury Park Press, N.J.]

“Now you can’t even get rid of them. Nobody’s buying male crabs,” Isaksen said. At the water’s edge, captain Michael Chanowich and dock worker David Tauro unloaded the co-op’s other post-Sandy mainstays: low-price skates and dogfish. “We cleaned up as best we can … but we don’t have the money to put this place back together,” Isaksen said. “When are we going to get some help? We called FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) but they said they can’t do anything for us.”  So far, the SBA loan program is not promising, said James Lovgren, a captain with the Fishermen’s Dock Cooperative in Point Pleasant Beach who looked into the loan program for his fishermen. http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/news/article.asp?docKey=600-201212060805KRTRIB__BUSNEWS_17736_5006-1&params=timestamp||12/06/2012%208:05%20AM%20ET||headline||Fishing%20industry%20still%20reeling%20from%20Sandy%20%5BAsbury%20Park%20Press%2C%20N.J.%5D||docSource||McClatchy-Tribune||provider||ACQUIREMEDIA||bridgesymbol||US;BAC&ticker=BAC

N.J. fishing industry works to recover from Sandy-POINT PLEASANT BEACH, N.J.

Commercial fisherman Jim Lovgren has navigated some rough seas lately. First, his 70-foot trawler, Viking II, swamped in high waves and sank 80 miles off Cape May in late September.

Then, on Oct. 22, Sandy took a dramatic swipe at the Fisherman’s Dock Cooperative, where Lovgren is a director and about a dozen third- and fourth-generation fishermen bring their catch to be sold at markets throughout the country. http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20121120_N_J__fishing_industry_works_to_recover_from_Sandy.html

A Rhode Islander beachcombe​r’s perspectiv​e to Hurricane Sandy – The Dented Bucket

After searching the Town Beach in Narragansett (with what seemed like hundreds of other people) for any storm-tossed treasures, and finding only a surf clam shell, my stepson, Sam, and I decided to go for higher ground and find a place no other beachcombers had been. http://www.thedentedbucket.com/ 

South Jersey fishing ports escape brunt of storm, but fleet damage extensive up north

New Jersey’s commercial fishing industry is asking the federal government to declare a “fisheries disaster” from Hurricane Sandy that could lead to aid to rebuild. The Garden State Seafood Association, a trade group based in Cape May, has asked Gov. Chris Christie to seek the declaration from the U.S. Secretary of Commerce to make the declaration. The U.S. Department of Commerce oversees the National Marine Fisheries Service. Ernie Panecek, who runs the Viking Village docks in Barnegat Light, said they only suffered minimal damage but none of the smaller boats has been out fishing for days. One larger boat that weathered the storm in New Bedford is due in today. http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/press/cape_may/south-jersey-fishing-ports-escape-brunt-of-storm-but-fleet/article_4ffc1352-27a2-11e2-86b9-0019bb2963f4.html

Garden State Seafood Associatio​n Seeks Federal Disaster Aid After Hurricane Sandy

New Jersey’s commercial fishermen landed and processed finfish and shellfish valued at almost 200 million dollars at the dock in 2011. These landings generated more than a billion dollars in economic activity for the State of New Jersey. Our commercial fishermen and fishing-dependent businesses from Cumberland County bordering Delaware Bay up the coast to Monmouth County on Raritan Bay suffered grievously from Hurricane Sandy and now face myriad challenges as they attempt to rebuild both their facilities and their markets. Accordingly, the GSSA is requesting that NJ Governor Christie make requests to the Secretary of Commerce under both programs and encourage the Secretary to act in a timely manner to help New Jersey’s fishermen and those in fishing-dependent businesses rebuild their facilities and their markets as rapidly and effectively as possible.
For more information contact Greg DiDomenico, Executive Director,      at 609 898 1100 or gregdi@voicenet.com.

HMS Bounty crew member dies and captain missing in stormy seas

Dramatic footage of the HMS Bounty rescue released by the US Coast Guard Link to this video

When the Bounty set sail last week, the captain running the ship made famous in Hollywood adventure films believed he could navigate around hurricane Sandy and weather the storm. After two days in rough seas, he realised his journey would be far more difficult.http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/oct/30/hms-bounty-crew-member-dies

Governor McDonnell visits Chincoteague Island to tour the area affected by Hurricane Sandy

Governor McDonnell will also meet with representatives of the Virginia State Police, Virginia Department of Emergency Management, Virginia Department of Transportation, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, and other state personnel.http://wtkr.com/2012/10/31/governor-mcdonnell-visits-chincoteague-island/

NH Seacoast fishermen await calm to check on battered gear – Hurricane Sandy

While his boat escaped the storm unscathed, Walsh said he was still concerned about his 350 traps that remained in the water. He said he moved the traps away from the rocky bottom and into deeper waters, where the bottom is sandy, to prevent damage. At $40 to $50 for a new trap, Walsh said the potential financial impact of the damage is “huge.” “You can’t insure that stuff, you know?” he said. http://www.seacoastonline.com/articles/20121031-NEWS-210310379

Coast Guard calls in fishing fleet in preparation for Sandy By ARIEL WITTENBERG southcoasttoday.com

However, the Coast Guard’s bulletin warns that “no matter where this storm tracks, a dangerous, potentially life-threatening storm is expected for mariners.” “Winds and seas of this nature can damage even large vessels,” the bulletin reads. At the New Bedford waterfront Friday afternoon, fishermen were preparing for the storm by securing their boats with extra lines and placing bumpers at places where their boats could crash against the docks during the storm. “I’m just doubling up the lines and hoping for the best,” said John Gallant, who owns the Christine Julie. “There’s not much else you can do.” David Pereira, who owns the Hustler, said he has been keeping an eye on weather reports. “We don’t know exactly what’s going to happen but it’s Mother Nature. What can you do?” he said. Dave Bucklin, who Friday afternoon was working on the Linda, said he would feel better about the boat if the hurricane barrier closes. “Once they do that, this is a safe haven (and) we’re good to go,” he said. http://www.southcoasttoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121027/NEWS/210270330/-1/rss01